jonnyclueless t1_ja0whnq wrote
Nas is a true artist artist. When I worked with him he turned down a project with Sting. Sting! When I asked why he said it would seem like too much of a gimmick. And he was right.
jonnyclueless t1_j9yl6mi wrote
Are they still anti-work-from-home?
jonnyclueless t1_j9kt283 wrote
Seeing as all elements can be solid depending on their temperature that would have to mean every element would be a mineral, so I can't imagine it to be the case.
jonnyclueless t1_j9dynwa wrote
More like it signals the end of their products.
jonnyclueless t1_j67f4co wrote
Reply to In the absence of cosmic radiation, would an object placed in space eventually cool to absolute zero? by IHatrMakingUsernames
Out of my depth here, but I believe absolute zero is impossible because you lower a temperature, you need something below that temperature. And since nothing can be colder than absolute zero, nothing can reach absolute zero.
But I would defer to a physicist, not me.
jonnyclueless t1_j29nwj9 wrote
Reply to comment by Splunge- in TIL that the Blind Boys of Alabama, active for 83 years, still have an original member by MCMax05
A long time ago when I worked a lot of concerts it was typical to see facility and artist management together. in room counting cash. I think this was because at the time most ticket sakes were cash. Though in my experience this always happened during the show, not before. I remember Bill Cosby getting $80k per show and doing two a day.
jonnyclueless t1_j26gwnc wrote
Reply to I turned my husband's mini fridge up to 11 today. Let's see if he notices. by Dr_Whiskers_MD
All joking side, on of the biggest rookie mistakes engineers can make when recording guitars is thinking that turning everything up on an amp makes it sound bigger. In reality it makes it sound smaller. And it's not intuitive to know this.
jonnyclueless t1_j1ghmoc wrote
Classic Chuck...
jonnyclueless t1_iye7gwb wrote
Reply to comment by themisfitjoe in TIL that in 1979, a charity special episode of the academic student quiz show "It's Academic" was held between a team of three Democratic U.S. Senators, three Republican U.S. Senators, and three members of the press. The special was handily won by the press team. by FranklinDRoosevelt32
Not dismissing the press simply for being the press is not the same as giving them a pass. Giving them a pass would to take everything as true because they are the press. But a big difference between the press an politicians is the press cites their sources and fact checks. Maybe web blogs don't, but they are not really the press. News channels that just have pundits giving their opinions is not factual.
People seem to have forgotten what the press actually is since Trump took office. And Trump's motive is to mislead people into thinking the press is no different than him or politicians who just say whatever they want.
jonnyclueless t1_iye06f4 wrote
Reply to comment by sephiroth3650 in $600 Mortgage Payment Increase??? by NachoDog1000
Exactly. Except I had to contact them to find out why it went up. Next month it goes back down by about $200 because they have caught up.
jonnyclueless t1_iyde3ma wrote
Reply to comment by zuckerwho in Stop being a dick. by BlueBuff1968
They had condoms that big in Naked Gun...
jonnyclueless t1_iydcuxs wrote
Reply to TIL that in 1979, a charity special episode of the academic student quiz show "It's Academic" was held between a team of three Democratic U.S. Senators, three Republican U.S. Senators, and three members of the press. The special was handily won by the press team. by FranklinDRoosevelt32
And that is why a particular political party wants to convince everyone the media can't be trusted.
jonnyclueless t1_iyd3a3p wrote
Reply to $600 Mortgage Payment Increase??? by NachoDog1000
Mine went up $400. The reason was that the previous owner was old enough to be exempt from some of the taxes. When the taxes went back up (I am not old enough to be exempt), the mortgage company did not increase the amount in escrow. So they had to jack it up to pay for the taxes they forgot to pay. Next month it should go down to what I was originally supposed to pay.
Just mentioning this in case yours is a similar reason.
jonnyclueless t1_iy7wgli wrote
Reply to Elon Musk’s Boring Company ghosts cities across America - The tunnel venture has repeatedly teased local officials with a pledge to ‘solve soul-destroying traffic,’ only to back out by asteriskspace
Remember when he claimed how much cheaper he could dig tunnels than cities? But he left out the part where he was comparing tunnels with fast food restaurants to plain tunnels and that when you properly compared them he spent more money than every one else.
jonnyclueless t1_ixurkpq wrote
Reply to Eating a hot pocket by yeah_no_i_knowx
Don't make me sit through that whole long video...
jonnyclueless t1_ivrr4q6 wrote
Reply to TIL In 1983, Air Force One (with Reagan aboard) landed six minutes before a microburst slammed into the ground at Andrews Air Force Base, causing wind speeds to hit 149 mph. At the time, that was the fastest wind speed ever measured by an anemometer. by theotherbogart
I bet he spilled his jelly beans.
jonnyclueless t1_iudedf6 wrote
Oh wasn't it nice?
jonnyclueless t1_iu4hjv7 wrote
Reply to When music stores were way more prominent, did you ever just ask an employee for a random recommendation that ended up blowing your mind? What did they recommend? by duomtl
Going to music stores was how you found new stuff. Especially via the staff.
jonnyclueless t1_itaa1lf wrote
jonnyclueless t1_isxcwp2 wrote
Reply to TIL In 1945, a mere 5 percent of France’s homes had a private, indoor bathroom by Chris_Hackett
Now they are up to at least 10%.
jonnyclueless t1_jdf6fcp wrote
Reply to CBD Was Efficient In Preventing Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain by Defiant_Race_7544
Certainly hasn't worked for mine, but glad it works for some ppl.