jonnyinternet t1_j6pfkvh wrote
Be a better snowboarder
jonnyinternet t1_j6ox2mx wrote
Reply to comment by chris_buck in Hello, I am Chris Buck, a New York-based portrait photographer. Ask me anything about the photo world, art careers, and working with the famous. I have photographed four Presidents, Jay-Z, and Grumpy Cat. by chris_buck
No it wasn't! Lol
My mind was wondering about important figures ie the presidents as opposed to cultural ones. Jay z to an extent but more so grumpy cat
Thanks for your answer
jonnyinternet t1_j6ojw0z wrote
Reply to Hello, I am Chris Buck, a New York-based portrait photographer. Ask me anything about the photo world, art careers, and working with the famous. I have photographed four Presidents, Jay-Z, and Grumpy Cat. by chris_buck
Of the 4 presidents, jayz and grumpy cat, which do you feel is more influential?
jonnyinternet t1_j6kmtd3 wrote
Reply to comment by fiddlenutz in Bands/Artists you had a low opinion of, until you actually heard their albums? by Flodo_McFloodiloo
I'm sure she does, most "pop stars" do.
jonnyinternet t1_j6kkp0l wrote
Reply to Bands/Artists you had a low opinion of, until you actually heard their albums? by Flodo_McFloodiloo
I never liked Taylor Swift, and while I would still not say I'm a huge fan, I do think she is a very good song writter
jonnyinternet t1_j3e9v81 wrote
Reply to [image] got milk? by Lilithevangeline
Cottage cheese?
jonnyinternet t1_iyfcsqb wrote
No, because it's bunk
jonnyinternet t1_iyfat2d wrote
jonnyinternet t1_iye3897 wrote
Reply to Is being part of .005% of listers good? by [deleted]
It's not anything, it's just a number
jonnyinternet t1_ixyx5wu wrote
Reply to comment by HunnyBunion in NIN / Johnny Cash - Hurt by confrita
You don't have to be screaming to be angry. Hurt is a different anger, more mature
jonnyinternet t1_ixwl73b wrote
Reply to NIN / Johnny Cash - Hurt by confrita
NIN: probably the angriest thing I've ever heard. A masterpiece
JC: probably the saddest thing I've ever heard. A masterpiece
jonnyinternet t1_iv24e3d wrote
Reply to Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues by thatoneguy889
That's why you pay your $8 a month for twitter
jonnyinternet t1_j9v5zpm wrote
Reply to Is Knives Out worth watching even though I know who the killer is? by elefantsnabel03
Don't you find out the killer pretty early on?