jralll234 t1_j13q2u4 wrote
Reply to comment by Gnarlsaurus_Sketch in Whoever decided it was a good idea to do construction and close lanes on McKnight in the middle of the day the week before Christmas should be blasted into the sun by dementedturnip26
Maybe you wouldn’t, but the rest of Reddit makes it their primary hobby!
jralll234 t1_j13prji wrote
Reply to comment by dementedturnip26 in Whoever decided it was a good idea to do construction and close lanes on McKnight in the middle of the day the week before Christmas should be blasted into the sun by dementedturnip26
And next week they’ll be on to a different project that requires closing a road you’ll complain about.
jralll234 t1_j13pmo2 wrote
Reply to comment by dank8844 in Whoever decided it was a good idea to do construction and close lanes on McKnight in the middle of the day the week before Christmas should be blasted into the sun by dementedturnip26
Why would they bother to find that out? It would reduce their ability to bitch and moan on Reddit!
jralll234 t1_j0wy4gm wrote
Reply to comment by lost_on_beverly_road in Need to send care package to nurses at a center in Murrysville. Recs for food or treats near by? I’m in Los Angeles. by [deleted]
Moios in Monroeville is amazing.
jralll234 t1_j0wy1ja wrote
Reply to comment by LinIsStrong in Need to send care package to nurses at a center in Murrysville. Recs for food or treats near by? I’m in Los Angeles. by [deleted]
The two best pizza shops in Murrysville recently closed, unfortunately. I’m still heartbroken about it.
jralll234 t1_iyr5psv wrote
Reply to comment by Giric in Any idea what this old abandoned building is on 666, South of Tidioute? by Jmich96
Deeds are kept at the county level, typically at the courthouse.
jralll234 t1_iybmbvy wrote
Reply to comment by Pots_And_Pans in PA native Christian Pulisic of Hershey scores winning goal vs Iran! USA! USA! USA! by wienerbuttnipple
It’s Persia!
jralll234 t1_ixvai33 wrote
Reply to comment by TheUltimateSalesman in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
They’re supposed to give it all to you. The good cuts will be turned into roasts, steaks, chops etc. other stuff like the front shoulders and rib meat often gets turned into ground or sausages, or used for jerky.
jralll234 t1_ixv49or wrote
Reply to comment by TheUltimateSalesman in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
That would have to be farmed venison. It is illegal to sell game meat.
jralll234 t1_ivpg14m wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in John Fetterman Campaign Serves Crudités at Election Night Party by Methylatedcobalamin
I still don’t know. Is it crew dite? Cru di ta? Crud titty? Help me out!
jralll234 t1_ivgxm5b wrote
Reply to comment by CDewfus in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
He is out to destroy public education in this state under the guise of eliminating property taxes.
jralll234 t1_iuk4ks1 wrote
Reply to comment by James19991 in Trick or Treating time? by Stealth-R-Us
Murrysville is 5-7. It’s stupid, but it actually worked this year because of the weather.
jralll234 t1_iud74z0 wrote
Reply to comment by lydriseabove in Running around Allegheny Cemetery by ilikedirt
I appreciate the googling, let’s me know I’m not crazy!
jralll234 t1_iud59ea wrote
Reply to comment by lydriseabove in Running around Allegheny Cemetery by ilikedirt
It’s been a while, but there used to be no bike signs inside the gates. It may have changed since I last lived near there.
jralll234 t1_iucwmdp wrote
Reply to comment by stauss151 in Running around Allegheny Cemetery by ilikedirt
No bikes allowed in the cemetery.
jralll234 t1_iu7dapx wrote
Reply to comment by Sburgh29 in Scott Township man hanging a noose outside his home defends his display by LostEnroute
Yeah that’s generally how racists are. You get people interacting with a diverse group and they start dropping their prejudices.
jralll234 t1_iu2jbt6 wrote
Reply to comment by soggymuffinz in The construction has been ridiculous lately by soggymuffinz
They all have different jobs. Lots of different machines to run, skilled labor in the hole laying pipe (teehee) foreman directing it all, 3rd party inspector, sometimes multiple inspectors each responsible for watching different aspects of the work. Nobody is there that doesn’t have to be.
jralll234 t1_itn3n57 wrote
Reply to comment by Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer in notorious mobsters, Eugene "Nick the Blade" Gesuale (left) and Charles "Chucky" Porter in 1981 at the Beacon Club in Squirrel Hill. by Yinzerman1992
Wonder if he’s involved with Tedesco Body Shop?
jralll234 t1_isxhz08 wrote
Reply to comment by DIY_Creative in Suggestions for a short getaway, Ohio perhaps? by happyjazzycook
We bought tickets but all of the railroad trips were canceled last minute due to erosion of the track bed.
jralll234 t1_isxg10r wrote
Just did a weekend in Akron, exploring Cuyahoga Valley National Park. 2.5 hours away, decent outdoor recreation. Akron is big enough to have good restaurants, I’m sure some museums, etc.
jralll234 t1_j16i293 wrote
Reply to comment by sashslingingslasher in Thanks, PennDOT. You never fail to impress me with your attention to detail. by WookieeSteakIsChewie
People would just be bitching about broken seats on busses and rail lines closed for maintenance.