
jrm19941994 t1_j341oxo wrote

Possibly. Hard to really say. Humans tend to prefer the suffering of life to the emptiness of non-existence.

However, that's not a justification for animal cruelty, and I do wish that we as a culture put more emphasis on animal welfare.

A good reason to switch to primarily beef for your meat intake. Generally less cruelty and fewer total animals killed. Also more nutrient dense and tastes better.


jrm19941994 t1_j21mghl wrote

I am not using stereotypes at all.

All the Big 5 literature indicates women are higher in both neuroticism and agreeable than men, on average, across cultures, with more significant gender differences noted in more egalitarian countries such as the Scandinavian nations.

Now if we did a study where we looked at SAT scores, GPA, imposter syndrome incidence, and Big 5 aspect scale, then maybe we could learn something about gender differences in imposter syndrome specifically.


jrm19941994 t1_j1yv5lk wrote

I fail to see how the hypothesis that feeling self-conscious is positively associated with trait neuroticism is at all radical, in fact its about as self-evident as the hypothesis that people high in trait extraversion will have on average more social interactions in a given week.

I am unaware of the studies that use male vs female resumes specifically but would be interested to read them. I have seen where the used white vs African American vs African names, which was incredibly interesting as IIRC the resumes with "white" and "African" names did equally well, but the resumes with "African American" names did poorly, leading me to think the raters were using cultural vs racial cues to discriminate.

With regard to male vs female resumes, I am confident female would get an advantage applying to certain fields (for example childcare) while men would have an advantage in other fields (construction).

We must remember that those making hiring decisions are rationale actors who are trying to make the best decisions for their firm.

Speaking of the academic community, this seems to be an area where we see discrimination against males, as I have seen good data showing female academics on average only need to publish a fraction of the research their male colleagues do to get tenure.


jrm19941994 t1_j1rco34 wrote

You are welcome!

For your specific research questions you could just use a GRE math section as a proxy for IQ (should be decent in the context of software engineering students).

With respect to the Big 5, its fascinating when you dig into it and particularly look at the sub-aspects (ie conscientious breaks down into industriousness and orderliness)


jrm19941994 t1_j1qh9xf wrote

Cool chart, garbage headline:

"Women face greater Imposter Syndrome than Men, when starting Software Engineering Degrees, despite having similar high school averages"

they face imposter syndrome? Like this plague that comes down from the sky and befalls them?

They FEEL imposter syndrome.

Knowing that the school system is somewhat biased in favor of female students (higher avg GPAs with lower avg SAT scores), this chart looks spot on to me.

I bet if you replaced GPA with SAT score percentile you would see much less disparity between sexes, though you would still see a disparity, as women on average are higher in sensitivity to negative emotion (Neuroticism per Big 5 personality inventory), which is of course highly correlated with feeling self-conscious, imposter syndrome being a sub-type of feeling self-conscious.

Just as an aside, when I was in my doctoral program we presentations and round tables about imposter syndrome, I was like "lol what are you talking about, you know XYZ how are you not competent?" Well, turns out I am like <5th percentile in neuroticism.


jrm19941994 t1_j074lj7 wrote

I would say its more due to general recession fears, inflation, and energy prices increasing so much that its becoming too costly to make electric car batteries. Also Tesla is correcting after the euphoria of the Covid boom.

For what is worth Musk has already made twitter profitable, it seems he is doing good work there.