jrm19941994 t1_iwujujk wrote
Reply to [OC] Deaths from Police Shootings: Gender Gap is 9x Larger than Race Gap by JelloBackground8007
Both the demographics in blue commit violent crimes at significantly higher rates than the red. What you want is likelihood of being shot per police encounter. This will give more insight into the level of bias at play, which there almost certainly is, but this data does nothing to confirm or deny claims of bias in policing.
jrm19941994 t1_iwpocn0 wrote
Reply to comment by CertainHawk in US States, Police Training v Shootings/Violent Crime (per million) [OC] by tommytornado
I would say the fact that we so rarely find evidence of wrongful deaths like Kimberly Potter Case, the George Floyd case, etc. when the media has tremendous incentive to find wrongful death cases, is quite telling.
jrm19941994 t1_iwl59el wrote
Most fatal police shootings are justified. What we really need to look at is WRONGFUL police shootings vs hours of training.
Like this one, clearly a training issue.
jrm19941994 t1_it953pe wrote
Reply to [OC] Inflation rate and nominal interest rate by giteam
Real yields in the US have been negative for like 4 years now. I believe in about 6 months they will turn positive.
jrm19941994 t1_iwz74in wrote
Reply to [OC] Choose wisely - Warren buffet got paid $704 mln in dividends only while the CEO's total compensation was $24.6 mln by theverybigapple
Its almost like owning a company is better than working for said company.