jtet93 t1_ja8niqa wrote
Reply to considering moving to Boston by [deleted]
I assume you mean on a J1 visa?
A lot of Irish kids do it but they’re often bunking up 3 to a room in shithole apartments (some girls I worked with one summer in college were sleeping 3 to a bed).
You can do it and have fun… but just understand that housing here is on par with London prices, and summer employment will likely be working at a moving company, caddying, waiting tables, etc, none of which is going to amass you a fortune.
And you could probably have an equally fun American experience in a different, less expensive city (Chicago perhaps?). I would just weigh your options carefully and be realistic about what you can afford.
jtet93 t1_ja35h7k wrote
Reply to comment by foreignalfredo in Trying to find an apartment in Boston for a year lease starting in July, how should I find my best/cheapest option? by foreignalfredo
I’m gonna disagree with the sentiment that you have to start shopping now. Apartments off the September cycle often only get listed 30-60 days in advance. That said July 1 is not a really popular moving date — it often coincides with the Independence Day holiday weekend, which is not a weekend people usually want to spend moving.
You might have better luck with June 1. Many students move out after the spring semester and sublet their apartment through Sept 1, often with an option to renew for a year on that date.
It appears you know you will def need roommates, which is good. I would look into Facebook groups (search: “Boston Roommates” and you’ll see a bunch of options).
Also, curious where you’ll be commuting to… Southie is kind of a pain in the but to get too and from in addition to being pretty expensive so I suspect you may have better options.
jtet93 t1_ja0xexr wrote
Reply to Trying to find an apartment in Boston for a year lease starting in July, how should I find my best/cheapest option? by foreignalfredo
How limited is your budget
jtet93 t1_j9zaioi wrote
Reply to comment by Robobvious in A man was shoved onto Blue Line tracks in Revere. He landed on his feet and just barely missed getting hit by an oncoming train. by _Hack_The_Planet_
ORRR maybe they fell??
jtet93 t1_j9yfiu9 wrote
Reply to comment by Robobvious in A man was shoved onto Blue Line tracks in Revere. He landed on his feet and just barely missed getting hit by an oncoming train. by _Hack_The_Planet_
This is literally a thread about someone getting pushed onto tracks smh
Also suicidal and drunk people are a thing… and accidents do just happen sometimes
jtet93 t1_j9yf1ck wrote
Reply to comment by Ksevio in A man was shoved onto Blue Line tracks in Revere. He landed on his feet and just barely missed getting hit by an oncoming train. by _Hack_The_Planet_
I was thinking about this the other day. I’m the furthest thing from an engineer but I’m confused as to why there are no alternatives that don’t involve making the trains stop at the same place every time. Like what about a barrier that raises up from within the platform and lowers when the train pulls in? Or like a garage door style system where it pulls down in front of you and raises when the train pulls in? Having doors that open just seems like a complicated option.
jtet93 t1_j9tkulc wrote
Reply to comment by Master_Dogs in Friendly reminder: Clear the snow/ice off the top of your car! by d0nutd0n
Idk. I’ve been in UBERS who literally drive around all day where the driver doesn’t have their seatbelt on and it’s just “ding…. Ding…. Ding….” For the entire trip.
jtet93 t1_j9pn5se wrote
Reply to comment by Middle-Example6618 in How to study for the learner's permit? by leandrosierra1
You still have to take the permit test before signing up for driving school
jtet93 t1_j9or96p wrote
Reply to comment by itsonlyastrongbuzz in $122M to build a new bridge for 160 Dorchester Yacht Club members!?! by LivingMemento
How much less? I feel like that’s the key part of the story
jtet93 t1_j9oh475 wrote
Reply to comment by AnyRound5042 in $122M to build a new bridge for 160 Dorchester Yacht Club members!?! by LivingMemento
It’s a drawbridge. They need to go under it. Kind of a non story because the bridge also serves drivers. I guess it’s more expensive to replace a drawbridge but I feel like it always costs a shit ton to replace/repair a bridge regardless.
jtet93 t1_j9dbiju wrote
Reply to Birthday dinner in Allston by justinator5
Hopewell, they have a big table in the back that seats 10. Plus pool, shuffleboard, and a pinball/video game room
jtet93 t1_j97tqog wrote
Reply to comment by Shemsuni in Favorite Croissants? by holheartedly
K, fair enough. I haven’t tried their croissants so can’t comment. I gathered that you were referring to the bakery as a whole because you replied to a comment naming CF as the best bakery. I will have to try a croissant from Iggy’s next time I’m out that way.
jtet93 t1_j97so2j wrote
Reply to comment by Shemsuni in Favorite Croissants? by holheartedly
Iggy’s is so overhyped. Sorry for the hot take. Between those two, clear flour by a mile.
jtet93 t1_j97sesq wrote
Reply to comment by Shemsuni in Favorite Croissants? by holheartedly
Where do you suggest that’s better lmao. I’ll believe it when I see it
jtet93 t1_j8xcqwo wrote
Reply to comment by skaseasoning in Seal pup stranded at Pleasure Bay by frommstuttgart
Happy to make your day a little more wholesome!
jtet93 t1_j8wqn1r wrote
Reply to Seal pup stranded at Pleasure Bay by frommstuttgart
Seal pups need more rest than the adults so sometimes they rest on the beach and then meet up with their pod again later. I learned this when I encountered a lone seal pup on a beach in PTown and also tried to get help for it :)
So this little guy is likely just fine! But it never hurts to check!
jtet93 t1_j8mpvts wrote
Reply to comment by bostonguy2004 in Move to Boston by chonacag00
If we banned these type of posts this sub would be skyline photos, lazy shit posts, and people bitching about how expensive things are.
I do think the auto mod could be better about reminding folks to include some details about their move.
jtet93 t1_j6gkudg wrote
Reply to comment by isuxblaxdix in TIL There's a Treehouse in Tewksbury, MA by iforgotmyredditpass
It’s worth it just for the experience. I’m not a huge “juicy IPA” person (they have other offerings, but they’re known for that style in particular). But I love going with friends because it’s so beautiful, it operates like a well oiled machine, and they always have a good selection of food trucks on saturdays, lol. I think Eastern Standard Provisions has a semi-permanent pretzel counter now too. So good
jtet93 t1_j6gkfhv wrote
Reply to comment by Frankfurter in TIL There's a Treehouse in Tewksbury, MA by iforgotmyredditpass
Shhhhh the waiting list for tee times is already going to be crazy.
jtet93 t1_j6eanhi wrote
1200 sq foot apartment, 3 of us living here. Gas heat. We signed up for balanced billing for gas so our gas bill is $81 a month. $150 for cable/internet but I’m dropping cable soon which should bring that under $100 a month hopefully. Electric varies, it was over $200 in the summer bc we have central air. Now it’s down around $110.
jtet93 t1_j6ahkcq wrote
Reply to Need a fridge taken away from 3rd floor apartment that is too wide for both front and back stairways. Any ideas on who I can call to remove it? Home Depot refused. by [deleted]
Deathwish Movers (yes, really) will do it for you. They specialize in tricky moves
jtet93 t1_j65tt7l wrote
Reply to comment by immoralatheist in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
Right, I mean, obviously this would be a massive, major project. But the one improvement you can’t make at Logan is reclaiming all that land. It would also have a big impact on height restrictions in the city. Just thinking out loud, I really only have a layman’s understanding of the benefits of each scenario. I like having Logan so close but I do think there would be benefits to moving it as well. Hanscom seems like the most realistic alternative because where the fuck else are you gonna put a whole airport in the GBA lol
jtet93 t1_j65kdzx wrote
Reply to comment by thebochman in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
I’ve had this thought too. Isn’t hanscom already owned by massport?
jtet93 t1_j64wq05 wrote
Reply to comment by Sunless-Saturday in 2 Young Children Killed in Duxbury Home, Authorities Say by Boston1_
I warned you it was a tough watch 😭
What gets me is in this Duxbury case it seems like the mom had sought help but I heard she may have been on a waiting list for inpatient care. And dad just went out to get takeout. Sooo horrible. I feel bad for the entire family.
jtet93 t1_ja8oqym wrote
Reply to comment by Potential-Fruit6856 in considering moving to Boston by [deleted]
If you want your own room prepare to pay $1200 per month. And expect to pay 4 months of rent up front to move in, so minimum $4800. This covers first month’s rent, last month’s rent, a security deposit that will be repaid to you minus any damages, and a broker fee that you’ll never see again, lol.