
jthanson t1_iv8qz2f wrote

We had a split heat pump system installed in our lodge hall in Buckley in 2019. It works very well and both heats and cools the building. The one bad thing about it is that we basically have to leave it in heat mode from November through June because it doesn't heat the building up quickly. For a space that's only used four or five times a month that may not be as efficient as the old gas furnace. However, we're not using any gas now which is good. All our heating and hot water is electric which works out well for us.


jthanson t1_irv8nyc wrote

This is a good example of the fallibility of taking a simplistic look at history. Nazis were of varying degrees of ideological orthodoxy. Some were fervent and would enthusiastically carry out horrible policies. Some were passive and would just go along with the party for convenience. Grouping them all together loses a lot of detail and nuance. Rabe didn’t seem to have much of an issue with the anti-Semitic properties of Nazi ideology but he did have a problem with the open brutality of the Japanese against China. That’s a complicated set of ideas from a modern perspective but tends to get flattened to “Nazis bad!” by modern readers.