just_looking_aroun t1_j9fo5mc wrote
Reply to comment by TheClayticus in What is your favorite thing about Virginia? by reignthepain
I'll have to check that out
just_looking_aroun t1_j9fo1og wrote
Reply to comment by zen_compassion in What is your favorite thing about Virginia? by reignthepain
Thanks, it's been a rough couple of weeks but we're all pushing through
just_looking_aroun t1_j9dvxvl wrote
Reply to comment by SnooPaintings1565 in What is your favorite thing about Virginia? by reignthepain
just_looking_aroun t1_j9dozlp wrote
Reply to comment by SnooPaintings1565 in What is your favorite thing about Virginia? by reignthepain
The ocean and the mountains are the reason I chose Virginia, too. It's the closest thing in the US to my home country
just_looking_aroun t1_j91oaoa wrote
Reply to Francine working hard by Gotcha9849
Lol, I walked into that store for the first time last week, and I was so confused when I saw the cat just sitting there
just_looking_aroun t1_ixvbj2d wrote
Reply to comment by danteheehaw in TIFU by making a comment about a star. by noahboi1917
This sounds like it could be some Family Guy bit
just_looking_aroun t1_it2l4ms wrote
All fun and games until they put in the data of the racist uncle
just_looking_aroun t1_jab8956 wrote
Reply to “After the first week in March, there is increasing concern about a hard freeze in #Virginia.” by theboyfromphl
Damn, guess I gotta move my citruses away from the windows