justasmalltowndad t1_j5a4eh0 wrote
Reply to Invincible summer [image] by the_internet_clown
Only a couple months left of winter, guys... Now's the time to get after it. If you wait till spring, you're too late.
justasmalltowndad t1_j56vzjv wrote
Me to myself every 10 minutes.
justasmalltowndad t1_j52ryei wrote
Reply to You've won life if you're a beautiful person at the end of it [Discussion] by TreatThompson
I've always thought that the amount of people at your funeral is like your actual stat points that you've achieved in life.
justasmalltowndad t1_j3uvifu wrote
Reply to [Image] Keep Going! by ZGeekie
This isn't how real life works. You wouldn't go mining if you didn't already know there were diamond veins and how deep they are to access.
A much more accurate metaphor is once you hit a vein, you have to keep digging and you don't know how shallow or deep the vein is.
justasmalltowndad t1_j3mk1pz wrote
I just got a Fitbit and it's been tracking my sleep. It is LIFE CHANGING when you can actually see how many hours you slept and how good or bad your sleep was. I definitely need to invest in a light alarm clock and def need to be religious about the wind down phase.
One thing that works well for me is brushing my teeth right after my last meal, which is usually 2-4 hours or so before bed.
justasmalltowndad t1_j39fnnf wrote
Reply to comment by Mz_hyde350z in Don’t hold back on those New year resolutions 😂😅 gives new meaning to “going hard” in the new year! So laughs for Friday! Have good day! [discussion] by Mz_hyde350z
As always, the real motivational advice is in the comments.
justasmalltowndad t1_j30e0ve wrote
Reply to [image] There'll be many people to pull you down as you move ahead, but never give up on your goals. by _Cautious_Memory
I like how they all have weapons to beat and bludgeon, arguably survivable, and then the boss just straight up has a shotgun.
justasmalltowndad t1_j2pwqj5 wrote
Reply to comment by ArenSteele in [image] 2023 goals by nervemiester
It's also about steady progress over time beats an overly aggressive push followed by burnout.
justasmalltowndad t1_j2hyx2k wrote
I typically avoid long bullet text stories like this... I find them to be unnecessarily long and cliche. But this one drew me in and the payoff was insanely good, I had goosebumps and that's not just me being a yes-man lol.
You truly impressed me, and I feel like it would almost be disrespectful to not at least try this habit. I used to journal consistently as a teen but stopped with the advent of having a smartphone. I've been having the feeling that I need to start it up again, maybe with a twist so it's not just me documenting my life passively... And this post just confirmed that those promptings are correct.
justasmalltowndad t1_j1y2dez wrote
Reply to TIL that one of the few positive health effects of smoking is a drastic reduction of a person's risk of thyroid cancer. According to a Korean study of the health records of over 10M people, smokers have a 36% lower risk of thyroid cancer. Smoking and heavy drinking reduces one's risk even more. by EncyclopediaJake
Doctor: your dad is dead...
Guy: lung cancer?
Doctor: yes...
Guy: I kept telling him to quit those cigs...
Doctor: .... He has an emmaculate thyroid though
Guy: ?
justasmalltowndad t1_izw7ctt wrote
Reply to comment by obscure_greenleaf in [OC] The rise of single fathers by theverybigapple
Right, but he's pointing out that yes, both numbers are peaking, but single fathers are peaking at a ~300% rate.
justasmalltowndad t1_iznfxjp wrote
Reply to Today I learned that the largest snowman ever built was in Maine in 2008 and measured 122 feet, 7 inches tall. by BlupHox
Man... THIS is the time period I miss the most. Back when people just did random fun stuff because they could. I highly doubt anyone will even attempt to break this record nowadays.
justasmalltowndad t1_iznfntk wrote
Reply to TIL that the theme song from Mission Impossible get is it's iconic beat of "long long short short" from the Morse code of "M" and "I", which is long long short short. by pango3001
Admit it, you said "long long short short" to the MI tune...
justasmalltowndad t1_izmpx8h wrote
The thing this chart doesn't show are the years and tears that each of these people went through before hitting that big break.
justasmalltowndad t1_izmork5 wrote
Reply to comment by EndOfTheLine00 in [Image] for anyone else feeling behind in life by Familiar_Finish1488
There are 70 year olds out there who still run full marathons and go to work the next day. They may not be on this biased chart, but they are still masterful examples of the potential of a man's life.
Just by being 35, you already have the advantage when it comes to women, persuasion, trust, and life experience. (If you haven't succeeded much in life, then at least now you know about all the failures that you can avoid) You're older and perceived "wiser" by most people who are getting started.
Even if you don't FEEL like you've made progress, it doesn't matter. Who cares what you FEEL, figure out the concrete advantages you have and use them. You're a man in his prime, a black-maned lion, a king that has been on sabbatical. Just take the crown.
In 1 year, you could have your direction solidly figured out. In 10 years, you could have pursued that direction and reached your dreams. Spend the next 10 years after that enjoying the fight of keeping your dreams alive. Then retire at 55 a happy, wealthy man.
justasmalltowndad t1_izlhjcl wrote
Reply to [Image] All circumstances are temporary! by rebordacao
Or, you know... You can get off the cactus.
justasmalltowndad t1_j5ggnos wrote
Reply to comment by Thompsonss in [Image] Everyday, when closing my office door, I get a motivation boost. by Thompsonss
That's gonna stop being motivating right around age 26.