kaenneth t1_ivlrrgl wrote
Reply to comment by pickles55 in TIL: That in 2019, some criminals were caught and 36 BTC was confiscated. The authorities valued the worth at €127,000 at the time and was sold 2 years later for €1.5 million. The criminals were returned €1.3 million due to the fact that the amount was expressed in Swedish Krona, not BTC by Wendals87
buy Sudafed from two different stores in the same week, and you can lose your house.
kaenneth t1_ivlr5xu wrote
Reply to comment by NorthernerWuwu in TIL: That in 2019, some criminals were caught and 36 BTC was confiscated. The authorities valued the worth at €127,000 at the time and was sold 2 years later for €1.5 million. The criminals were returned €1.3 million due to the fact that the amount was expressed in Swedish Krona, not BTC by Wendals87
Yes, for example even they sell your $20,000 car for $1 to their cousin (like in Chicago), you still have to pay the parking fines and tow fees and your auto loan.
kaenneth t1_iv2y8vg wrote
Reply to comment by nimcau2TheQuickening in ‘John Wick’ Prequel Series ‘The Continental’ to Stream on Amazon Internationally - The series will air on Peacock in the U.S. by Neo2199
eh it's only $20/year at the moment.
kaenneth t1_iv03uu5 wrote
Reply to comment by horseren0ir in ‘John Wick’ Prequel Series ‘The Continental’ to Stream on Amazon Internationally - The series will air on Peacock in the U.S. by Neo2199
hose down that pavement for every outdoor shot.
kaenneth t1_iv03mug wrote
Reply to comment by pabo81 in ‘John Wick’ Prequel Series ‘The Continental’ to Stream on Amazon Internationally - The series will air on Peacock in the U.S. by Neo2199
If there isn't a cameo...
kaenneth t1_iv03glg wrote
Reply to comment by _bieber_hole_69 in ‘John Wick’ Prequel Series ‘The Continental’ to Stream on Amazon Internationally - The series will air on Peacock in the U.S. by Neo2199
Disney may have Star Wars, Paramount Star Trek, but Peacock has the superior Space 1999.
kaenneth t1_iueymo8 wrote
Reply to comment by Landlubber77 in TIL dunce caps were originally a sign of high intelligence and wisdom. Philosopher and theologian John Duns Scotus was a proponent of pointy hats as a way to funnel knowledge to the mind and his followers, called Dunsmen, wore them. By the 1500s the Dunsmen fell out of favor as “behind the times”. by Aequitas05
I think Crosses changing from a tool of death by torture to the main symbol of Christianity beats that.
kaenneth t1_iu7057e wrote
Reply to comment by MulciberTenebras in ‘It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’ Has Become A Bee-Hive For Stupid Parent Complaints by Da_Kahuna
Actual recording of one of the complaining adults: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaPmysTfVFI&t=71s
kaenneth t1_iu68kmh wrote
Reply to comment by GeronimoSonjack in [Discussion] Anyone else struggles with following shows because of the increasingly longer breaks between seasons? by IBoris
I want it good. and fast. AND cheap.
kaenneth t1_iu68evg wrote
Reply to comment by KaineneCabbagepatch in [Discussion] Anyone else struggles with following shows because of the increasingly longer breaks between seasons? by IBoris
Look on the bright side, my brother was really loving GoT, and had his heart attack just after season 6.
kaenneth t1_ix2run8 wrote
Reply to comment by Dranj in How Did AT&T's $100 Billion Time Warner Deal Go So Wrong? by ix0WXOeip4V6
I bet they sold more than $1.5 billion in Baby Yoda merch alone.