
karmapuhlease t1_jd10p3k wrote

This happened to me recently too - I left my navy Bonobos jacket at a bar in Astoria, and when I came back to get it a few weeks later, it had somehow transformed into a black Banana Republic jacket. I'd like my jacket back, but I don't think the other person is likely to bring it back at this point - they had already gotten the choice of both and took mine, I have to assume!


karmapuhlease t1_j3yy1ih wrote

Eh, it's not that weird. For the first time ever, it was very easy to coordinate anonymously with an unlimited number of strangers for free. In the past, if you had wanted to do that, you had to put up posters and take out ads on the radio, but the internet made it free. People were bound to experiment with it.


karmapuhlease t1_j206g67 wrote

>For one, I don't think blue, orange, and white are very compelling or locally relevant colors.

They're very locally relevant. Those are the colors of William of Orange, the Dutch ruler whose dynasty first established the city as New Amsterdam. He was a member of the House of Nassau, which is why Nassau County is so named. Those colors are used for the Mets, Islanders, and Knicks (who are named after the Knickerbockers, which was also a name for the Dutch settlers of New York).

All of that said, you're not wrong that those other flags look nicer than ours, but it's not clear to me what a better replacement would look like. The Statue of Liberty is probably our most iconic symbol, and nothing else really comes all that close, so I'd be open to seeing a design that incorporated it. The current seal on the flag should remain as the city seal, but it doesn't need to be on the flag (too small and detailed.)


karmapuhlease t1_itmrbeg wrote

They're also trying to kill the bigger, more functional project that NYS is already planning (the one Hochul talks about). This group is basically trying to say "that project is too modern, so let's just do this historic restoration version instead - pay no attention to how much smaller and less useful it is!"