katefromnyc OP t1_jacwm8c wrote
Reply to comment by sunny-day1234 in Victim of hit and run for the 2nd time in a year. Should I file a claim? by katefromnyc
katefromnyc OP t1_jacu7eg wrote
Reply to comment by Optimal-Effective in Victim of hit and run for the 2nd time in a year. Should I file a claim? by katefromnyc
that's true, but some may say that under a certain amount, it's not worth having another claim records under your name.
katefromnyc OP t1_j5xc6bv wrote
Reply to comment by Temporary-Ad-9270 in With the Super Bowl coming up, I wanted to remind everyone that the SB trophy is named after Vince Lombardi Park & Ride - a New Jersey Turnpike Landmark. NJT Bus 321 serves this landmark. by katefromnyc
Just like Alexander Hamilton once said: “me? I was named after Alexander Hamilton Service Area in Secaucus because that’s where I was conceived”
katefromnyc OP t1_j5vun0c wrote
Reply to comment by deltat3 in With the Super Bowl coming up, I wanted to remind everyone that the SB trophy is named after Vince Lombardi Park & Ride - a New Jersey Turnpike Landmark. NJT Bus 321 serves this landmark. by katefromnyc
The legend says that his parents were stuck in turnpike traffic during a snowstorm and saw this service area where it saved them from a disaster.
Apparently, they named their kid after this rest stop who went on to do some great stuffs.
katefromnyc OP t1_jacwp89 wrote
Reply to comment by nkyguy1988 in Victim of hit and run for the 2nd time in a year. Should I file a claim? by katefromnyc