
katiecharm t1_j009d5k wrote

So do you think it’s a stealth launch? As in, back when they first developed AlphaGo Zero they released it onto the online Go circuit without telling anyone, and the damn thing was orders of magnitude more evolved than anything that had ever come before. Players were shocked at whatever this thing was, until Google revealed it was them behind the curtain.

I wonder if they have a model significantly more powerful than GPT3 and before they make a lot of fuss about it they want to let people play with it first without any preconceptions.

In any case, my interest is piqued. I will give it a go.


katiecharm t1_iy4i9l1 wrote

I was in college in 2002. It was an era of the dawn of early social media and the first time high-speed (though still slow by today’s standards) wifi internet was becoming widely available. The PS2 reigned supreme in video games, and the internet was still a place you “went” instead of an overarching aspect of daily life.

In 2012 smart phones had begun their domination in earnest and the social media take over of the world was in full swing. The iPhone was changing everything, and stocks and crypto were exploding due to the free money printing - it seemed like everybody had a plan to get rich. I was one of the first people on WSB back during these times. And one of the first people into dogecoin a year after that.

And now in 2022, gestures vaguely. Here we are.


katiecharm t1_ixawd4i wrote

The DoD knew this was coming almost a century ago. Recall that some of humanity’s greatest geniuses in WW2 were already earning governments about a mechanical intelligence race (aka Alan Turing’s Turing Test).

Governments have had a century to prepare for and work in secret on the most powerful military technology that could conceivably exist…. And there are actually some ‘people’ on this board who would have you believe the DoD had no AI research whatsoever and they are operating in the dark.


katiecharm t1_it9t9sy wrote

Reply to U-PaLM 540B by xutw21

None of this means anything to my crayon brain until I see the quality of titties it can generate.


katiecharm t1_it9snyy wrote

Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.