katieleehaw t1_ivzwjz0 wrote
Reply to Influx of homeless people by the mall by BingBong022
People have to live bruh. Birds can sleep outside I don’t see we feel such need to stop humans from doing so.
katieleehaw t1_ivm5lvj wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
katieleehaw t1_ivlztok wrote
Reply to comment by KDOGGG196 in Anybody else not have the option to vote for Fung or Magaziner? by KDOGGG196
Ah ok - yeah Congress is by district.
katieleehaw t1_ivlwpqw wrote
Did you ask a poll worker?
katieleehaw t1_ivl895y wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
You only have to have proved you live there and registered to vote. The car is a moot point. Yes, when you move states, you are supposed to switch it.
katieleehaw t1_ivl7n7p wrote
Reply to comment by lisachung93 in Any 18+ bars in PVD? by lisachung93
Clubbing is a thing of the past for me - just Google "18+ clubs Providence" and check the details on any that interest you.
katieleehaw t1_ivkx668 wrote
Reply to Any 18+ bars in PVD? by lisachung93
A lot of clubs will be 18+ - no bars will be. Some bars might be open to all ages until a certain time and then go 21+.
katieleehaw t1_ivkmvsx wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
Oh stop it. You're being really annoying. You know what your post is about.
"Election fraud!!!!!"
Your actual question, or so you claim, has been answered already.
katieleehaw t1_ivkcog9 wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
Stop it. Their car is a rental with Florida plates, which is literally exactly what you could've seen this morning.
katieleehaw t1_ivkciws wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Out of State Plates (FL) and voting in RI? by Bobisadrummer
People can move freely between states and sometimes getting something like auto-registration switched over doesn't take first priority? Or again, it may not even be the voter's car.
Yes, when you move you are supposed to change your registration.
katieleehaw t1_ivk7r35 wrote
Dude seriously? Could be a rental or a family member's car, or they moved here and haven't switched over their registration yet. Could be home with friends from college and someone else drove.
Why jump to "fraud?"
katieleehaw t1_ivjuwvf wrote
Reply to Surfers. by TwinFinTriggerFish
There is a surfing culture for sure depending on where you live specifically - South Shore Beach in Little Compton is a popular surfing spot.
katieleehaw t1_ivjfegn wrote
Reply to comment by makesumnoize in Local part time bartender here, stop coming to the bar sick .. by [deleted]
At a bare minimum, wear a damn mask if you’re sick and have to go somewhere. This isn’t rocket science.
katieleehaw t1_ivi9z5f wrote
I assumed it would be mobbed this week so haven’t gone yet but I will soon! Love the frozen selections at TJ’s, and the unsalted tortilla chips and spinach kale dip!
katieleehaw t1_ivfqf79 wrote
Fuck people who go anywhere they don’t absolutely have to when sick.
katieleehaw t1_iurha9p wrote
There are a lot of unfortunate reasons for many highway placements that have more to do with segregating areas of cities than with actual infrastructure needs. It's pretty ugly when you dig into it.
katieleehaw t1_itq1rmz wrote
"Recycling" as we are currently doing it is basically greenwashing bs. It's sad. We produce so much trash as a species I honestly don't see how we have much chance of turning the tide. The momentum is in the wrong direction.
katieleehaw t1_it7ey4o wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in If there’s a worse town motto than Fall River’s, I’d like to hear it by orleansville
A lot more honest than “to protect and serve.”
katieleehaw t1_it72a5j wrote
It’s so bad. But really it’s also the most honest police motto I’ve ever heard.
katieleehaw t1_isxa605 wrote
Reply to Restoring ‘our Christian foundational values’ is the pitch from Mass. GOP gubernatorial nominee by lurker_registered
I also oppose prayer in school.
katieleehaw t1_iskxfns wrote
What’s the address? I was hoping it had opened already!
katieleehaw t1_isjme00 wrote
Reply to comment by Automotivematt in Is it possible for a homeless Californian who moved to Rhode Island in June of this year to register to vote in time for the 2022 midterm elections? How would he go about doing so? by PinkSwallowLove
Why wouldn’t it be a priority?
katieleehaw t1_isgmmf4 wrote
Reply to comment by mofongoDorado in MassHealth for my kid by [deleted]
The permanent order will address health insurance. Until then wherever coverage the kid already has should remain in place.
katieleehaw t1_isfjcvr wrote
Reply to comment by mofongoDorado in MassHealth for my kid by [deleted]
Kids don’t exist independent of their parents for this purpose - your income determines your kid’s eligibility outside some very specific circumstances (like adoption for instance, kids adopted from foster care are eligible for certain benefits).
Call your insurance company directly. Some events are qualifiers for signing up for insurance outside open enrollment. What insurance did your child have prior to the custody change? If it just happened they would still have coverage presumably.
katieleehaw t1_iw43p37 wrote
Reply to My neighbor has put up their Christmas tree… by thescimitar
Let people enjoy themselves without the benefit of your judgment.