kbd77 t1_j6rxy8y wrote
Reply to comment by DCLexiLou in This ad gets served when you are in Boston. by theovertalker
I know, it was a joke about how this real estate agency is very overtly targeting a "certain demographic"
kbd77 t1_j6rp20k wrote
Reply to comment by Status_Silver_5114 in This ad gets served when you are in Boston. by theovertalker
And God forbid any wealthy Boston ex-pat has to live somewhere that has a [gasp] bus line!
kbd77 t1_j6rmg4l wrote
“From the East Side to the East Bay, Blackstone Boulevard to Barrington” oh okay so like 8% of the city’s footprint and then a bunch of its most expensive suburbs? Got it.
kbd77 t1_j6o1rpn wrote
Reply to comment by OwlFreckles in A team of people studying noise pollution in Providence says the city is inordinately loud for its size – a problem that impacts public health as well as the environment. by GoxBoxSocks
This makes a lot of sense, thank for sharing your thoughts
kbd77 t1_j6nyx30 wrote
Reply to comment by communitynoiselab in A team of people studying noise pollution in Providence says the city is inordinately loud for its size – a problem that impacts public health as well as the environment. by GoxBoxSocks
Out of curiosity, what is the defined difference between "quiet" and "peace?"
kbd77 t1_j6l862f wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in A team of people studying noise pollution in Providence says the city is inordinately loud for its size – a problem that impacts public health as well as the environment. by GoxBoxSocks
Yeah, the noise is frankly at the bottom of the list of benefits we’d get from burying the highway. The biggest improvement would be reconnecting neighborhoods with usable land. I’ll continue to dream about it until it gets built or I die, whichever comes first (undoubtedly the latter).
kbd77 t1_j6kzqyb wrote
Reply to A team of people studying noise pollution in Providence says the city is inordinately loud for its size – a problem that impacts public health as well as the environment. by GoxBoxSocks
This is the logical (and inevitable) conclusion of car-centric planning. I know it’ll never happen and it’s not feasible financially anyway, but burying 95 like they did with 93 in Boston would so drastically improve the quality of life throughout our city.
kbd77 t1_j685tvv wrote
Reply to comment by RandomChurn in Schools, neighborhoods by Sure_Guest_4535
Yep, my mom worked at Brown for 35 years before Ruth Simmons unceremoniously laid her off because she made more than her more junior colleagues. We always used her health insurance plan because it was much better than my dad’s. But she never even cracked six figures despite being a very senior member of her department. It’s kind of crazy.
kbd77 t1_j66is15 wrote
Reply to comment by Mountain_Bill5743 in Schools, neighborhoods by Sure_Guest_4535
Brown’s salary info is public so you can look it up pretty easily. Put it this way: I make a lot more in the private sector than I would if I had a position with more seniority at Brown. The non-profit world doesn’t pay that well.
kbd77 t1_j63op81 wrote
Reply to comment by m1327 in Schools, neighborhoods by Sure_Guest_4535
Agree with all of this but I’d add Elmhurst and Mount Pleasant as quiet and (mostly) safe residential neighborhoods that are far more affordable than the East Side. No idea what OP’s financial situation is of course but I do know that real estate is vastly cheaper in Texas than it is here unless you live in the heart of Austin. Many people who move here from non-coastal states get sticker shock when they look at real estate listings. The trade-off is you can typically make a higher salary here.
As for suburb options, I’ve always really liked the stretch of Cranston and Warwick from Edgewood down to Gaspee. Lots of nice older homes, some good shops and restaurants in Pawtuxet Village, close to the water, and still within 15-20 minutes of Providence. Oak Hill in Pawtucket is really nice, too, and basically an extension of the East Side but a little cheaper. Rumford and Riverside in East Providence are good options, too.
Oh, and OP – definitely come visit before you make any decisions! Rent a car, drive around some of the neighborhoods or towns you're eyeing, get the feel for the vibe/density/etc. and see what aligns with what works best for you. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people on this sub post "moved here sign unseen from Oklahoma or whatever, why does it suck so much in [insert cheapest part of the city where it can be a little rough around the edges here]?"
kbd77 t1_j63jgz5 wrote
Reply to comment by sc00p401 in Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
Gotcha! Next time I'm in New Haven (rare) I'll have to give Sally's a try
kbd77 t1_j63h3kb wrote
Reply to comment by sc00p401 in Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
For whatever reason, I just can’t get into Pepe’s. As a native, do you think the other classic NH places (Sally’s, Modern etc) are better? I’ve been to the original Pepe’s twice and came out thinking I had just eaten a burnt saltine cracker with cheese. Just curious if it’s not my cup of tea or if Pepe’s is overrated compared to the others.
kbd77 t1_j63gqhi wrote
Reply to comment by _LoanRanger_ in Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
Lmao this is the funniest thing I’ve read this week, thanks for the laugh
kbd77 t1_j63bmm4 wrote
Reply to comment by lals80 in Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
I agree, Boston people need to get off their high horses
kbd77 t1_j63bkdw wrote
Reply to comment by PM_ME_ASS_SALAD in Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
And your last line is exactly why we left and came back home. Why the fuck would I pay $2500 in rent during a pandemic to have the privilege to pay $25 for a lousy burger at some mid “modern American” restaurant (seriously every other restaurant is this pretentious upscale gastropub bullshit). The two things I miss that I can’t get here are good bagels and Nepalese dumplings (momo).
kbd77 t1_j61gdbc wrote
Reply to comment by Babid922 in Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
I lived in Boston for 10 years, there are plenty of great restaurants there but I find the general quality here much better.
kbd77 t1_j61g737 wrote
Reply to Do you like living in Providence? by movingtori
Yeah it owns
kbd77 t1_j608hql wrote
Reply to comment by Brotendo88 in I always laugh a little when I pass the Armenian Heritage Park-Taco Bell combo. What are your favorite Providence juxtapositions? by jay--mac
I think PC is over $70k now, if you can believe it
kbd77 t1_j5zyo1o wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in City Code by SirName898
“Has this ever happened to you???”
kbd77 t1_j5zpvm6 wrote
Reply to comment by jay--mac in I always laugh a little when I pass the Armenian Heritage Park-Taco Bell combo. What are your favorite Providence juxtapositions? by jay--mac
Not that I know of. There was an awesome place in Worcester called Shiraz that had been around forever but they closed a couple years ago. I think there’s a place in Watertown, but that’s a little farther.
I highly recommend the various Armenian church bazaars around the area, they always get a lot of great vendors.
Also, as someone of Armenian heritage and an avid cheesy Gordita crunch fan, I always feel like this combo was made for me lol
kbd77 t1_j5mt5kz wrote
Reply to comment by Dramatic_Astronomer in Socialists, Antifa, and a Leftist Militia Defend Drag Story Time In Fall River by Dramatic_Astronomer
It’s almost like a lot of socialists are queer
kbd77 t1_j59t95m wrote
Reply to Any breakfast joints with good vegan options that aren’t Julian’s or Plant City? by Sparkleshart
Francesca’s in Pawtucket has some vegan options and you can ask them to make a couple of the dishes under the Mexican breakfast section vegan (like the motuleño). Hudson Cafe has great breakfast sandwiches, but it’s not a sitdown place if that’s what you’re looking for. Others have mentioned Plant City and Pianta – they both are a little pricy for what they are, but the food is good (especially at Pianta).
The vegan scene is pretty good here, but for some reason we’re really lacking in good breakfast options.
ETA: I can’t believe I forgot Rory’s! I’m actually sitting here right now after enjoying a breakfast sandwich LOL
kbd77 t1_j4n1ygp wrote
Reply to comment by overthehillhat in How to become friends with squirrels? by TwistedSpoonx
Lol, mine too. We’ve had to replace 3 screens as a result of him crashing into windows trying to dive bomb them in the yard
kbd77 t1_j4mha1t wrote
Reply to How to become friends with squirrels? by TwistedSpoonx
Did a dog write this
kbd77 t1_j76dn05 wrote
Reply to Swan Liquors on Hope Street by AltruisticBowl4
Oh man, they’ve been open since I was a kid! Back when that part of the East Side was actually affordable. That’s a shame, I hope things work out for them.