keeltheone t1_j93ipx4 wrote
Absolutely Not, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is a joke, right?
keeltheone t1_j6nens5 wrote
Reply to comment by Marboff in Flamin hot Cheetos labled Chips by Marboff
It is a product but has morphed into a 'flavor' of many products.
I was responding to the folks debating whether to call them chips or crisps or something else...when the product was clearly popcorn (although "flaming hot Cheeto" flavored)
(The brand is Pepsico's FritoLay)
keeltheone t1_j6n6r4v wrote
Reply to 30 years difference in Duplo sheep by X-ander
Talk about a glo-up!
keeltheone t1_j6n0neq wrote
Reply to Flamin hot Cheetos labled Chips by Marboff
Is no one going to point out that it is POPCORN (flavored with hot Cheeto cheese)🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿?
NOT Chips or Cheetos!
keeltheone t1_j6dr8vt wrote
Reply to This pack of rubber gloves intentionally comes with three gloves in each pack. by Silvagadron
"1 in the stink and 2 in the sink"*
(A pair for washing dishes and a glove for cleaning the toilet... 😆)
keeltheone t1_j5z59qq wrote
Reply to comment by Starbuck522 in “The Goldbergs” has strayed so far from its roots it now shows a post-credits “this is fiction” disclaimer! by CDavis10717
It was inspired by (about) Adam F. Goldberg's actual family/school history and his interest in film making.
There would often be footage from his childhood shown at the end that was referred to in the previous episode or a short interview with the family member/ gym teacher/friend from Adam's life.
*Erica replaced Adam's irl brother Eric- before someone corrects my assessment... 😂
keeltheone t1_j25e1x0 wrote
Reply to comment by keeltheone in Eli5: How come it doesn’t rain all year round? by TheRunningMD
So interesting I had to look up more info
Thought you might enjoy it, too
keeltheone t1_j25d8sz wrote
Reply to comment by TheRunningMD in Eli5: How come it doesn’t rain all year round? by TheRunningMD
Thank you for responding
keeltheone t1_j25cd2q wrote
>In most places it rains mostly in winter, a little bit in fall and spring and no rain in summer.
Is this actually true?
I've lived in Michigan, US most of my life and we definitely have rain in summer, spring, fall and rain, sleet, hail and snow during winter.
My mind is blown that this might be the exception rather than the rule for "most places" (I do understand that some places rarely experience snow, and some are deserts, rain forests, etc.)
keeltheone t1_j0o5x21 wrote
Reply to comment by PiScEsEyEsIAmWeAk in Goerge Clooney 1990 by Djf47021
That's what I came to say!!
keeltheone t1_j93k8np wrote
Reply to comment by Retrofusion11 in is Power on the same level as Breaking Bad? by Retrofusion11
I enjoyed both shows, to be honest.