khamelean t1_j276bry wrote
Reply to comment by Double-Working1990 in Ever wonder if anyone else on the globe was ever watching the same exact show at the same timestamp by Double-Working1990
You thought it would be obvious that the exact thing you described wasn’t the thing you were talking about?? Do you not know what “obvious” means?
khamelean t1_j1zhbqn wrote
Reply to comment by 1yellowbanana in Crypto and blockchain are not the technology of the future – prove me wrong. by Aquillyne
No, that’s not what I’m referring to.
One example of the kind of situation I’m referring to is the incident:
khamelean t1_j1zc5wc wrote
It also fails as a decentralised system of trust. Despite the proponents claims of a 51% attack being incredibly unlikely, it’s already happened multiple times, even to the largest blockchain networks.
Blockchain is an interesting concept on paper, but the primary advantage of decentralised control has been proven to be unreliable.
There are simply no problems solved by blockchain that can’t be solved more efficiently and effectively by other alternatives.
khamelean t1_j1x4dg6 wrote
Reply to comment by nosmelc in What would you guys pivot to now to have a career in the future? by [deleted]
Clearly they are not a very good SDE…
khamelean t1_j1tq59g wrote
Reply to AI and education by lenhoi
Just tell the students that they won’t always have an essay generator in their pocket, it worked really well for math teachers :)
khamelean t1_j0wqoav wrote
Reply to comment by mfischer24 in Humans could one day live in Manhattan-sized asteroid megacities by Gari_305
No one’s selling it. It’s just a hypothetical that many people enjoy thinking about. From engineering challenges to so social implications. Turns out many human beings enjoy using their imagination, just because you’re not one of them, no need to drag everyone else down to your level of misery.
khamelean t1_j0wpu61 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Humans could one day live in Manhattan-sized asteroid megacities by Gari_305
That’s what the holodeck is for, obviously!!
khamelean t1_iyevin5 wrote
Considering the current capabilities of quantum computers, this seems like a bit of an exaggeration…
khamelean t1_ixz0g7f wrote
Reply to comment by DownvoteDaemon in Squid Game actor O Yeong-su charged with sexual misconduct by ninja6911
Ever heard of the Innocence Project?
Over half the people they have helped were falsely accused of sexual crimes.
It doesn’t matter if it happens rarely. Guilt is not determined by statistics.
khamelean t1_ixwyjcs wrote
Reply to comment by oliveorvil in Squid Game actor O Yeong-su charged with sexual misconduct by ninja6911
All suspects are guilty!! Otherwise they wouldn’t be suspects, would they?
khamelean t1_iwb5l39 wrote
Reply to Over 50 species previously thought to be mute make sounds, according to a new study by BoundariesAreFun
But what does the fox say??
khamelean t1_ivt0ly6 wrote
Reply to A study found that people perceive that robots are replacing human jobs at a greater rate than they actually are. Only 14% of workers say they’ve had their job replaced by a robot. Workers who had been supplanted by a robot estimated that 47% of all jobs have been lost to robots. by Brave_Cycle_8745
As someone who develops robots to do other peoples jobs, I say hazaah! More please!!
khamelean t1_iss1z5g wrote
Reply to [image] The only thing that matters in life, is your own opinion about yourself. - Osho by Lioness-
Sure, until your standing in front of a jury of your peers. Then the opinions of others suddenly matters quite a lot…
khamelean t1_j2dqdib wrote
Reply to We all think humans will destroy the earth, but in reality, Earth will destroy humans far before that. by cloudboy37
“We all”?? So just because you think it, that must mean everyone thinks it??