khamelean t1_j6civce wrote
Reply to comment by masterile in AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
Economics incentives are a human concern. Once humans capabilities are surpassed, all the rules we know about economics go out the window.
khamelean t1_j6ciqxm wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
No, increasing supply does not reduce demand.
I didn’t say infinite, I said almost infinite. Historically speaking the demand for new technology has only increased as new technologies become available. Obviously that can go on forever, but we are definitely several thousand years away from meeting demand.
khamelean t1_j6chrgt wrote
Reply to comment by masterile in AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
That’s making some pretty big assumption with absolutely no basis.
khamelean t1_j6chkcm wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
You’re only thinking about changes in supply. But the demand for applications of new technologies is almost infinite.
Of course at some point productivity becomes so high the idea of “working for a living” becomes unnecessary.
khamelean t1_j6cgml8 wrote
Reply to comment by masterile in AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
You’re assuming that we can’t use AI to enhance our own biological capabilities…
khamelean t1_j6cfrpo wrote
Reply to AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
Much more likely that the need for software engineers will continue to grow and they will just become significantly more productive.
khamelean t1_j69laa2 wrote
Reply to Technology hasn't made things easier, it's made us work longer, harder, and for less money. by [deleted]
That’s…that’s just mind bogglingly incorrect. How can people be this fucking ignorant??? Do you know absolutely nothing about history??
khamelean t1_j62cd4t wrote
Reply to What aspect of engineering would be highly in demand for the future? by ImplementExtension58
If you can automate software engineering, you can automate anything. Software engineering will be the last job to be lost to AI.
khamelean t1_j5yrzag wrote
Reply to Are most of our predictions wrong? by Sasuke_1738
ChatGPT is only “AI” in the marketing sense. The AI from science fiction is called “Artificial General Intelligence”. That is still many years away.
khamelean t1_j5t1yg2 wrote
Reply to comment by tripy75 in Hey, can someone explain to me why we are not stending nuclear waste into space having a reliable rocket that can carry a decent amounts of cargo? I'm thinking about Falcon Heavy. One start a year would mean that US doesn't need to store anymore waste underground. by William0fBaskerville
Come in to post exactly this.
khamelean t1_j554iqc wrote
Reply to comment by fiftythreefiftyfive in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
The point is that’s just regurgitating connections and associations that already exist in its data set. It cannot reason about those concepts to build new connections.
khamelean t1_j54wt39 wrote
Reply to comment by GlitteringAccident31 in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
Google is not an exhaustive resource.
khamelean t1_j54vfo2 wrote
Reply to ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
It’s doesn’t understand the connection. It’s just paraphrasing someone else that does.
khamelean t1_j417tfu wrote
Reply to [Image] I’ve been there so I’m just sharing for whoever needs to see this today. by conversingwithoceans
Narcissism is loud, generosity is quiet. If you’re just a passive listener, guess which you’ll notice more? But if you actively look for it, you’ll find there is exponentially more generosity than narcissism in the world.
khamelean t1_j3u2orl wrote
Reply to comment by Belawzi in The ozone layer is on track to recover in the next 40 years, the United Nations says by ascendingthemountain
I don’t think that word means what you think it means…
Fickle - changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties or affections.
khamelean t1_j3rwj5h wrote
Reply to Woman sentenced to three years in state prison for collecting $400,000 in viral GoFundMe scam by AudibleNod
3 years in prison in exchange for $400,000??? I’d take that deal!!
khamelean t1_j3hk9z6 wrote
Reply to ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
I would gladly give up the poetry of Silvia Plath, the art of Van Gogh and the music of Kurt Cobain if it would mean that they could have lived lives free of mental illness. What kind of monster would put another human being through that for the sake of entertaining an audience…
khamelean t1_j3atxic wrote
Reply to I asked ChatGPT to write a song about its life and how it feels and it's....kinda good. And slightly unnerving. by bobobobobobooo
Title is misleading, you didn’t ask it to write about itself, you asked it to write about a fictional AI that has feelings.
khamelean t1_j2x6k9k wrote
Reply to They say we're past "social media" and are now in the age of algorithms: the "recommendation media." by retepretepretep
That’s what social media has always been…have you been under a rock for the past 15 years??
khamelean t1_j2p6y5c wrote
Reply to comment by ribblle in How Would our Worldview Have to Change for the Human Feel to remain Familiar? by ribblle
That’s not what eugenics means.
khamelean t1_j2p3ykg wrote
Reply to comment by ribblle in How Would our Worldview Have to Change for the Human Feel to remain Familiar? by ribblle
It’s very strange to use robotics and eugenics in the same context, “robotics” is a technology, “eugenics” is an ideology that is pretty much universally considered to be unethical.
The idea that eugenics will become commonplace is pretty much nonsense.
khamelean t1_j2omz84 wrote
Reply to comment by homeostasis3434 in A study on obese patients suggests the gut microbiome affects obesity levels. Microbial diversity decreased in obese subjects, and the reduction trend was correlated with the severity of obesity. by glawgii
Came here to say exactly this, thank you.
khamelean t1_j2o45q6 wrote
Reply to comment by ribblle in How Would our Worldview Have to Change for the Human Feel to remain Familiar? by ribblle
You just described the exact solution to you own problem. Categorise anything to whacky as “wizardry” and just move on.
Humanity has spent hundreds of thousands of years not understanding the nature of reality, we seem to have managed just fine so far.
khamelean t1_j2o3mcz wrote
I’m honestly not seeing anything you listed that would be reality/sanity breaking in anyway. The fact that you can imagine them at all should be proof enough of that. People from 1000 years ago would definitely struggle initially with many of the concepts we face in every day life today, but humans are amazingly adaptable.
khamelean t1_j6frpvs wrote
Reply to comment by czk_21 in AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
No, demand is relative to cost. There are many things that people want, but it’s just to expensive to do, and not worth the cost.
As software tooling becomes more powerful, things that used to be expensive become cheaper and the cost/value proposition changes. That’s why new technological advancement constantly unlocks new demand.