
kilofoxtrotfour t1_iu4idbv wrote

This sounds like a simple issue for any lawyer practicing law in Virginia. Chris Bain or Gregg Sheldon.( This probably isn't as "clear cut" as you present it if the leasee passed away and the only negligence involved was not notifying you. A lawyer will have to help you determine: "Is it worth it?" Lawyers are expensive, you'll be paying upfront here. Don't assume the leasing office will be legally culpable.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_iu1otft wrote

The problem is that some people are morons. I have a friend who previously worked as a Comcast CSR.. Literally everything that goes wrong with a laptop or personal computer is the fault of the ISP, in the mind of some customers. I have a solid background in network infrastructure-- I have to call my ISP about once every 10 years. The network buildout isn't the problem, it's dealing with customers.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_itmeriy wrote

Children & parents need to be held accountable. My parents both retired early from teaching, they wouldn't go back if you paid them $200,000 year. I work in EMS, and the pay is absolutely $hit, but I love the work. If I was told to f*ck off by my patients 8 times a day, I probably would change careers. Teachers are not respected anymore. Abused is a more appropriate word.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isxke70 wrote

The USPS is much more dynamic now. A decade ago, the mail was delivered on the exact same route. about the same time, and usually the same employee.! Now, a USPs truck might be passing your house 3 times a day because of their multiple contracts with the private sector. The USPS employee was the dream job until recently— it’s a $hitty job with goos pay/benefits right now.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isvpq6z wrote

Very true. I see Hollywood, and the Gun Culture as major drivers of violence. Hollywood has "normalized" violence acts, made it cool, and owning a gun as part of getting your "man card". I work on a Rescue Squad & currently working on getting my Paramedic license, between that & working in the prison system, it's amazing the level of suffering some people will inflict on their neighbor or spouse. I just shake my head some days. We roll up Code-3 to find someone beaten within inches of their life, and there's no gun involved. That's really the difference between a gun & no gun. A girlfriend shot multiple times & dead, versus unspeakable pain & lifelong injuries. How in the f*ck did we get to the point where this was a social norm? I get mad a people, mad as hell some days. I simply walk way from it. Been doing that for 46 years, it's not that difficult.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_isqhc42 wrote

I never said "don't blame guns", they're just a whole lot more convenient for killing people. There's a reason why it takes 30 minutes to check-in and out of a prison, we need to verify nothing we bring in can be made into a weapon. When I was working on the telecom system in Building 3, an inmate killed a K9 and stabbed a guard with a shank -- so I stand by the claim that guns are not solely the problem. Sorry, I sent in my membership application for Oathkeepers & the Klux Klux Klan another with some Trump-worship stickers.. But, they all rejected my applications for being in an interracial marriage. So, ha... Sorry, not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist, we just disagree.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_ispim8q wrote

From my observation.. I've met Powhatan bubba's who spend 50% of their take-home-pay on guns, and they've never harmed anyone... Yet, some of the inmates I worked with at Sussex-2(prison work is very interesting) would stab you to death with a screwdriver if they could. We have an issue with violence, not guns. If you are prone to being violent, it's a lot more efficient & no-energy to kill someone with a firearm than a knife.


kilofoxtrotfour t1_is767a1 wrote

I’ve read it, but don’t necessarily agree with the validity of some of the studies. It’s like saying… a rape survivor should find a psychiatrist who has been raped, because otherwise there is no empathy and understanding. Meanwhile, the general public gets the impression that only an Indian doctor can properly diagnose Indian patients. All this serves to do is Balkanize the doctor-patient relationship. One of my patients is having their leg amputated because they spent a year looking for a “good doctor”, when any doctor could have treated the infection last year


kilofoxtrotfour t1_is71es9 wrote

Working in healthcare, the entire premise that a black person can treat a black person more appropriately is crazy — that’s not how medical school works. Medical providers are generally colorblind in their care of patients. Not once have I thought to myself… “I’d fight harder for my patient if only they were white”
