kilometr t1_j5wbb9y wrote
Reply to comment by HyruleJedi in For anyone looking to buy a house in West Philly... by kingintheyunk
I’m a civil engineer and unless your friend inspects houses for a living, which is rare for a civil engineer, I would still hire one.
Issues that a home inspector would catch don’t overlap much with what most civil engineers do. structural stuff maybe, but not smaller things involving utilities, etc.
kilometr t1_j5p8ose wrote
Reply to comment by Glass_Fensters in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
Also Philadelphia is not seeing the large population boom Atlanta is seeing. Development there is much easier to direct cause there’s such a high demand for new housing we don’t have here.
kilometr t1_j5exa2c wrote
Reply to comment by Fattom23 in Please don't park on the sidewalk or block the ADA sidewalk lips with your car by RoughRhinos
There are groups that go around advocating for the handicapped and sue cities/businesses for violating ADA requirements. Their main goal though is to generate income through legal fees. Actually helping handicapped people is a secondary goal.
kilometr t1_iyekw8m wrote
Reply to comment by Lunamothknits in D.C.’s police department is recruiting in Philly, offering a $20k hiring bonus. The Philadelphia Police Department isn’t worried. by redeyeblink
It’s the same with every government position in the city. It’s not that it’s hard to get in is the problem. It just takes forever to get hired so good candidates would likely find work elsewhere by the time the application is completed
kilometr t1_it4ewh6 wrote
Reply to comment by justanawkwardguy in Philadelphia police raid leads to seizure of weapons, ATVs, fighting dogs in Kensington by dc122186
I thought that possessing an atv in the city is illegal, even if it’s registered.
kilometr t1_j643fb9 wrote
Reply to comment by justanawkwardguy in Son of top Philadelphia police union official charged with possessing a stolen gun by redeyeblink
Probably not. It would’ve been easy for him to get his son a gun legally. He likely wouldn’t so his son stole it instead.