
kingofthepews t1_jedoxya wrote

Dnd has been an ever growing franchise, since before COVID, it's been around for the last 50 years. There's been plenty of themed movies and animations on the subject, toys,dice,terrain, you name it, it's been cash grabbed at.

But the dungeons and dragons movie is getting race reviews and looks amazing. I'm going to see it tonight and as a DND player and DM I'm looking forward to it.


kingofthepews t1_jacnvwa wrote

Hotfuzz, "you mother's!" "The greater good" and "it's only the one (insert topic in question) actually."

The big lebowski, "the dude abides,man." "Yeah,but that's like, your opinion,man"

Predator. " You are one ugly mutha.." "over here"