kittyglitther t1_j63t7h4 wrote
Reply to Since she no longer needs it can they give it to the janitor who works way harder than her? by BromioKalen
Councilwoman at large? I can't believe it's 2023 and we're still body shaming.
kittyglitther t1_j63exv0 wrote
Reply to comment by LukeGoldberg72 in What is the typical PTO for a salaried Pharma employee of 8 years in NJ? by LukeGoldberg72
13.33333whatever hours per month.
kittyglitther t1_j63dcv0 wrote
Reply to comment by MoJoe-21 in How Much Do You All Spend on Groceries per Week? by BitterDropToSwallow
Olive oil shouldn't necessarily last you a long time, it degrades pretty quickly and I've met way too many people who are dunking their bread in rancid oil because they think it's like wine.
I use it for roasting veg (yes I've read the arguments against that and I don't care), it gets mixed in with farro/roasted veg salads, bean salads, roasted veg salads, regular salads. I use it in certain breads that I bake. I use it to eat a loaf of bread with (fresh boule + olive oil mixed with red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, and some grated parm = the best). I use it in hummus even though I know that's non-traditional. I use it in pestos and other spreads. I toss it with pasta/garlic/parm when I'm too lazy for real cooking.
Tonight I'm making cod gyros (yes, homemade pita) so I'll use olive oil for that.
I just love olive oil, and life is too short for the mediocre stuff.
kittyglitther t1_j63cv80 wrote
Reply to comment by keep_everything_good in How Much Do You All Spend on Groceries per Week? by BitterDropToSwallow
I have Avocado oil too, it has different purposes for me.
kittyglitther t1_j611eit wrote
Single, no pets, mostly vegetarian, probably $80-$100/week. But I don't want to talk about my grocery bill when I have to buy olive oil.
kittyglitther t1_j60hj4b wrote
Reply to comment by LukeGoldberg72 in What is the typical PTO for a salaried Pharma employee of 8 years in NJ? by LukeGoldberg72
It accumulates throughout the year, 10 days rollover.
kittyglitther t1_j5zxbx7 wrote
Got rid of my car and never looked back. It's so much easier and less complicated without one, not to mention the amount of money saved and the impact on my carbon footprint.
kittyglitther t1_j5yxu49 wrote
Reply to comment by mickyrow42 in I really wanted to like Jersey city but something just didn’t click here for me. by [deleted]
Boston can have them.
kittyglitther t1_j5ygzjr wrote
Reply to comment by mickyrow42 in I really wanted to like Jersey city but something just didn’t click here for me. by [deleted]
I had a layover in Dallas once, I think it gave me a good idea of what living there must be like.
kittyglitther t1_j5ycuq2 wrote
Reply to comment by IGNANTJOE in I really wanted to like Jersey city but something just didn’t click here for me. by [deleted]
But you might have to walk.
kittyglitther t1_j5yci3f wrote
Reply to I really wanted to like Jersey city but something just didn’t click here for me. by [deleted]
I mean, you pretty much just described most US cities.
Also, I might be misunderstanding this part:
>Also… the fares!! Buses, LR, PATH, MTA! Everything has a different payment method.
I use the same app for my bus and light rail tickets. The MTA is operated in a different state, so. But I also use a metro card on the PATH.
Anyway, not every city is for everyone. You don't have to live here and I hope you find a place that fits your needs.
kittyglitther t1_j5wp3eg wrote
4 weeks at my small Pharma. Most of the big ones will tell you on their careers page how much they have, and check glassdoor. Important to note that most will keep pto and sick separate, so it will be 15 days or whatever pto with 5 sick days. Also some shut down between Xmas and new years so remember to look at company holidays.
kittyglitther t1_j5av41j wrote
Reply to How do single people with mid-range salaries financially survive in North Jersey? by [deleted]
They find a below average apartment or they live in areas that aren't "decent" or they get roommates.
kittyglitther t1_j5ak0ho wrote
Reply to New neighbors cook Indian food every night. Whole hallway smells like an Indian restaurant all the time. What can we dooooooo by [deleted]
Ask for the recipes.
kittyglitther t1_j5agdad wrote
Reply to comment by nk1 in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
w***erbagels already threatened me...
kittyglitther t1_j5afsgl wrote
Reply to comment by matteofox in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
Rude af, I live in Jersey City and make great bagels!
kittyglitther t1_j56uj6l wrote
So a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun?
kittyglitther t1_j56px6f wrote
Chin up, it's not always who you know, sometimes it's who's your daddy.
kittyglitther t1_j54l1ri wrote
Reply to comment by dEn_of_asyD in Whats the worst city in nj? by No_Neighborhood_3191
Best response here.
kittyglitther t1_j43zb8m wrote
If diversity matters then JC is a better pick than Hoboken, especially if you're counting economic diversity among your diversity metrics. I also think the restaurants in JC are much better than the ones in Hoboken. Hoboken is safer, JC is neighborhood by neighborhood. Can't speak to what dating looks like for queer women in either city.
kittyglitther t1_j3oxnbu wrote
Reply to How did you go about home ownership in NJ? by sufinomo
<600sqft condo in an undesirable-ish part of jersey city.
kittyglitther t1_j2t7orn wrote
Reply to comment by Shake_It_Sugaree in What is the best grocery store in the JC area? by Alert-Ad4070
Seconding this also Trader Joe's in Hoboken
kittyglitther t1_j2btk5r wrote
Reply to NJ MVC Rude and condescending by Pretend_Selection334
I think rude staff is the correction that society needs to see.
kittyglitther t1_j277svg wrote
Reply to A path train to GRO? by allergat0r
New dispensary
kittyglitther t1_j6429xh wrote
Reply to comment by BitterDropToSwallow in How Much Do You All Spend on Groceries per Week? by BitterDropToSwallow
Not fancy (OK, a little fancy) just know what I'm doing in the kitchen and enjoy cooking and good food.