
knockatize t1_je2sza7 wrote

Reply to comment by blondie64862 in Proposed new MSG by WatchesAndNYC

New York specifically is getting worse. Great swaths of the rest of the world have their shit together. New York is where expensive failure is applauded as if it was world-changing success.


knockatize t1_jd3os6s wrote

My “nobody” encompasses anybody with the authority to make changes - federal, state and local.

Instead, they still print everything - including the bills that they don’t get the chance to read before the vote.


knockatize t1_j9t7u1n wrote

So our law enforcement agencies are directed by elected officials to either

A) charge people with any ticky-tack BS that’ll stick, long as there’s some fine revenue in it, or

B) the San Francisco way, where shoplifting is all good long as you keep your haul under $900

And nothing in between.

Somebody find us a large city that’s not run by complete idiots. (American city. Copenhagen doesn’t count)


knockatize t1_j9rdh6r wrote

Fine, call them free if you'd like.

You still can't endlessly dump false-alarm and non-emergency calls on EMTs and expect them to sit there and take it. Not for any wage.

You also don't want cops responding to non-emergencies, do you? That's the leftist talking point, but when some eager beaver fresh out of the academy arrives on the scene because such is the insistence of the Reddit masses, don't be shocked when a mentally-ill repeat caller who should have been in an inpatient facility gets plugged.


knockatize t1_j9r5tyd wrote

It is nowhere near a small minority of the total responses - and that's the problem.

That "small minority" is responsible for a big mess.

While many 911 calls do merit an emergency police response, unnecessarily dispatching armed officers to calls where their presence is unnecessary is more than just an ineffective use of safety resources; it can also create substantially adverse outcomes for communities of color, individuals with behavioral health disorders and disabilities, and other groups who have been disproportionately affected by the American criminal justice system.

Did anybody in this thread ever think that maybe there was a progressive reason for not being a damn fool about people who abuse the system?


knockatize t1_j9r4cip wrote

Not getting help?

First responders have to provide some kind of service to people they know full well are delusional because they've dealt with their shit thousands of times.

"One man with a cellphone has created enough havoc to be hauled over and over into court, but not enough to warrant a prison cell. He knows it’s wrong, and he apologizes to the judge, but he won’t stop*."*

...but whose cases account for countless hours in court, counseling sessions, medical appointments and other city services."

And we're on the hook for all of it. For everybody else in a city of 8 million who pulls this crap. Eventually some first responders figure out the calls are bogus but there's lots of turnover so it's a lesson that has to be repeatedly and expensively learned.

Services? There are craploads of services.

The services that work are the ones where he's put in a secure facility. With no phone.


knockatize t1_j9pqh5r wrote

They will cost less once the widespread abuse of the system is addressed.

24,000 bogus 911 calls from one person?

Thousands of calls from one person to the same nonexistent address?

On top of the usual deluge of frequent flyers, cranks, pranks, Karens, and lonely old people?

If nothing is done, that’s as good as condoning it.

If FDNY and every other first responder agency doesn’t have a chronic-caller strategy that results in the bogus calls stopping, that’s failure.