knockatize t1_j9pem7v wrote
Reply to comment by cakeversuspie in FDNY wants to up the cost of ambulance rides by more than 50% by NYY657545
Might, my ass.
People DO abuse the system. A lot. And taxpayers pay for it all.
This is classic tragedy of the commons: a small but significant part of the population monopolizing and misusing services that are for the -entire- population, and going unpunished even in extreme cases.
First responders can let the frequent flyer know about the existing non-emergency programs for the caller, and either they get with the program or face fines and charges. These are existing programs in many jurisdictions.
But not New York City, it would appear.
Google “312 Riverside Drive” in Manhattan. It won’t show up on a map because it doesn’t exist, but it is the reported address for thousands of fake 911 calls.
From ONE guy. In this case, an old crackhead in a shelter. (That’s “older individual experiencing crackheadedness” for the exquisitely sensitive.)
Last I knew, he’s still at the shelter and still messing with 911.
Which seems to be okay by New York. One idiot Karen makes one racist 911 call about a birdwatcher and the politicians fall over themselves to pass something on bogus 911 calls involving a protected class.
But when it comes to the other hundreds of thousands of fake calls they don’t do dick.
knockatize t1_j9ozl05 wrote
Reply to comment by cakeversuspie in FDNY wants to up the cost of ambulance rides by more than 50% by NYY657545
Wherever they are “free” (going forward, use “taxpayer funded” if you prize honesty and accuracy) such services are abused.
Sorry the ambulance crew couldn’t deal with your heart attack because they were busy tending to a drunk.
Criminalizing emergency services abuse would go a long way toward shutting down “frequent flyers” who call emergency services with minor complaints.
knockatize t1_j9obvu2 wrote
Lots of “frequent flyers” out there who call for an ambulance any time they have the sniffles. The EMTs know the addresses by heart. Could be hypochondriacs, addicts, or just plain old idiots like people with COPD who continue to smoke.
They typically don’t pay so the taxpayer eats the cost.
Anybody know what FDNY frequent flyer policy is, if they have one? Or is it “you call, we haul” and who cares what the cost to taxpayers and legit patients is?
knockatize t1_j94wzjp wrote
Reply to Which medical specialties are future proof? by MeronDC
Gerontology. Aging boomers mean no shortage of clients.
knockatize t1_j91w2qp wrote
Reply to Mayor Adams opts to personally serve on MTA board overseeing $55 billion plan by Topher1999
The fng article says good government groups want him to do this, and he is, so…good?
knockatize t1_j8hq378 wrote
Reply to comment by TheMasterGenius in How Big Tech rewrote the nation’s first cell phone repair law - Documents reveal tech lobbyists revised a right-to-repair bill before New York's governor signed it. by speckz
It took 20 years and Preet Bharara to get rid of Sheldon Silver.
Andrew Cuomo’s career lasted 44 years.
In other words, somebody other than a sacrificial lamb has to primary her, because the GOP isn’t willing or able.
knockatize t1_j890l9d wrote
Reply to comment by kushtiannn in How Big Tech rewrote the nation’s first cell phone repair law - Documents reveal tech lobbyists revised a right-to-repair bill before New York's governor signed it. by speckz
And she can’t be bothered to even try.
knockatize t1_j890hhv wrote
Reply to How Big Tech rewrote the nation’s first cell phone repair law - Documents reveal tech lobbyists revised a right-to-repair bill before New York's governor signed it. by speckz
New York State government is both legendarily incompetent and irredeemably corrupt. It is to politics what Mos Eisley is to Tatooine.
Do not trust anything uttered or authored by anyone with “-NY” after their names, including “Good morning” and “the.”
knockatize t1_j6bm8u1 wrote
Reply to Seeking passage to use for Eulogy from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. by cavillchallenger
Got a friend who’s willing to pop up near the end of services as the Great Prophet Zarquon?
“Er... Hello. Er, look, I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I've had the most ghastly time, all sorts of things cropping up at the last moment... Er, how are we for time? Have I got just a min...”
Aaaaaaand that’s it. Go in peace. Hail and farewell to your dad.
knockatize t1_j602lcj wrote
Reply to Grand Central Madison, 15 stories underground, saves LIRR riders little time compared to Penn Station commute by bikeskata
Does it stink of urine yet?
knockatize t1_j5wmdi2 wrote
Naturally the Times comment section is full of useful idiots who think taxpayers are an infinite revenue source.
knockatize t1_j5pwi2i wrote
Brutus again, right? Or that Czolgosz guy who did Garfield.
knockatize t1_j5daajn wrote
Reply to NYC Council has no plan to pass bill that would let Mayor Adams charge retired city workers for health care: ‘It’s dead’ by F_T_N_32
Not his fault that previous administrations overpromised, but ain’t no way in hell that gets passed without union negotiations.
knockatize t1_j55uyri wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in Dems, GOP lining up potential candidates if Santos leaves his seat by newzee1
Sure. I’ll take a hack over a fool or a crook every time.
knockatize t1_j55mvla wrote
Tom Suozzi is a centrist hack but I don’t think we’ll hear any of the usual progressive suspects complaining about that until after he’s elected.
knockatize t1_j4w5qtq wrote
Reply to comment by City_bound in NYPD Captain Jackson Cheng falsifies 400 work hours totaling $60,000 in salary, is allowed to retire with partial pension rather than be fired by Remocracy
Happens all the time, because of the way pensions are calculated based on the last three years of employment, although many hires after 2012 aren’t going to be able to exploit it.
Gonna be a while before we see any savings.
knockatize t1_j4spj7a wrote
Reply to NYPD Captain Jackson Cheng falsifies 400 work hours totaling $60,000 in salary, is allowed to retire with partial pension rather than be fired by Remocracy
Only 400 hours over 18 months, approaching retirement?
If you’re padding OT the right way, you should be able to stack up at least 25 hours a week with nobody saying “boo” given how short-staffed the NYPD is.
But you do have to show up. That’s important.
knockatize t1_j4o57cq wrote
I’m surprised he hasn’t been mugged himself.
knockatize t1_j4cf8xt wrote
And they’ll take your THUMB, CHARLIE.
knockatize t1_j46117a wrote
Reply to comment by ECK-2188 in Tolls increase $1 this weekend for Port Authority crossings between New York and New Jersey by elizabeth-cooper
Those Port Authority slush funds don’t fill themselves, pal.
knockatize t1_j29izga wrote
“Pay us because go screw yourselves, little people” should be the city’s motto.
knockatize t1_j26aklu wrote
This is what you get when your election choices are red crook or blue crook. Enjoy.
knockatize t1_j1i6ekh wrote
Reply to comment by CompactedConscience in G.O.P. Gains Strength on N.Y. City Council, as a Democrat Breaks Ranks by irish_fellow_nyc
And this the Times calls “what may be the most ideologically diverse City Council ever.”
Okay. Sure.
knockatize t1_j1f6hfm wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in NY lawmakers vote to raise their own salary by 29% by Unable-Ad3852
How did most people get to know Trump’s name in the first place?
When the city screwed up a simple skating rink project so massively that Trump strolled in, got it fixed, and Ed Koch whined about the unfairness of it all. Completely tone deaf, Koch was.
Trump dined out on that for decades.
knockatize t1_j9ponnc wrote
Reply to comment by -wnr- in FDNY wants to up the cost of ambulance rides by more than 50% by NYY657545
It is is partly a taxpayer funded service and should remain as such, but that can’t be defined as unlimited services to everyone everywhere forever.
There has to be a “shit list” for people who misuse the service, so that it’s still available for people with legit needs.