
kstinfo t1_j850ccf wrote

For the sake of argument let's say people can work longer because they live longer. That, however, does not diminish the years those people have contributed to society by their efforts and endeavors. By all accounts today's workforce is more productive than in the past. Using that as a metric the retirement age should be reduced.

But all of that is aside from the real intent of those who wish to raise the retirement age. The fund needs to be increased. And the wealthy want the non wealthy to pay for it.


kstinfo t1_j77qmno wrote

" calling for the federal government to do the dirty work "

Yup. That's its job. In the Preamble, condensing the reason for everything that follows, the government's aim and intent is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense".


kstinfo t1_j76iqsk wrote

Guns are the leading cause of death for children and nobody's doing nothing.

Reaction? Dealers and manufacturers would go nuts. These are the guys who have been profiting from the carnage. They'd be climbing all over each other to implement the strictest background checks, the strictest safety measures, the harshest penalties for abuse, etc.

There's no 2nd Amendment issue here and even this Supreme Court might decide they have no recourse against a State of Emergency. Existing owners and collectors might grumble about slippery slope but no louder than before.

I couldn't find a definitive number of guns legally confiscated in the US but reason would suggest that natural attrition would move us in the right direction.


The fact is there are more guns in private hands in the US than anywhere else in the world. The result is there are more gun deaths in the US than anywhere else in the world. Americans are clearly not mature enough to handle the responsibility.

It's not much, it's not immediate but it's something.


kstinfo t1_j75jepo wrote

Any time he wants the President could declare a State of Emergency and enact a temporary ban on the sale of all guns, used and new, commercial and private. Pleas for one-time exemption to be considered.

A state of emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to be able to put through policies that it would normally not be permitted to do, for the safety and protection of its citizens.

It's not a cure-all but it's something. More than what is being done.


kstinfo t1_j75gyyc wrote

In answer to your comment and the one below. History is replete with episodes of large numbers of persons leaving their native lands for better opportunities. In most cases communities in the new land helped their brethren get a start - Jews, Irish, Italians, Poles, etc.

This is from the NY state website:

There are approximately 7,500 Afghans now living in New York State, but that figure is expected to grow significantly as humanitarian evacuees, Special Immigrant Visa recipients and refugees arrive.

To the comment below - I don't expect women in, say Iran, have bank accounts. They're not allowed to work. In the instances cited above migrants arrived in the US with not much more than what was on their backs.

Aside: The Washington Post claims the Irish-American population is seven times greater than Ireland.


kstinfo t1_j72zpca wrote

I'm thinking the crux of a solution to the myriad restrictions being imposed around the globe is freedom to leave. Afghanistan will cease to function if its women simply leave the country. The same with Iran. The same with Syria.

This not merely a 'shower' thought. It is also not reflective of any anti-Muslim animosity.

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is about basic human rights -- rights that all people have just because they are human. It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948.


It's lovely - but it has no teeth, no mechanisms to make it work. That should change.


kstinfo t1_j6al6en wrote

The plaintive was on Cuomo's security detail and told investigators he allegedly subjected her to sexual remarks and on occasion ran his hand or fingers across her stomach and her back. The lawsuit seeks damages for “severe mental anguish and emotional distress.”

Cuomo is, in fact, another political lecher and New Yorkers probably shouldn't have elected him governor. At various times they could have picked Kirsten Gillibrand or Zephyr Teachout or Cynthia Nixon. Along with getting elected, though, he does get legal coverage for activities while in office.

At the same time it seems to me that Cuomo's accuser is riding on the coattails of other far more deserving targets of his advances. Not least of which...

According to Politico, Cuomo used the weeks after his resignation to mount a revenge campaign against his successor Kathy Hochul and other perceived enemies, financing it with $18 million of leftover campaign donations.
