kstinfo t1_ixzrt37 wrote
Reply to S.Korea's new COVID-19 cases in 50,000 range amid winter resurgence worries by 4inalfantasy
This article should be a template for all reporting. Clear and concise.
kstinfo t1_ixx0svw wrote
You ever notice however cool he looked it was always a look-don't-touch thing because he knew the shit he'd catch from Joanne when he got home.
What a star.
kstinfo t1_ixvowyq wrote
Reply to comment by kstinfo in Irene Cara, '80s pop star behind 'Fame' and 'Flashdance' theme songs, dies at 63 | CNN by Clem_Doore
I posted the link 'cause I thought it belonged here. Then I went back to watch. 5 minutes with an uncontrollable grin on my face. Wow!
kstinfo t1_ixvn6vl wrote
kstinfo OP t1_ixtfdud wrote
Reply to comment by sunshowered in Praise for the pick-up staff at Riggs Rd. Walmart. by kstinfo
kstinfo t1_ixifaik wrote
Reply to My mom early 90's by voodoo1985
Just something I threw on for this snapshot.
kstinfo t1_ixae66y wrote
Reply to comment by Alert-Glove-4852 in Gas Bill High (Need Advice) by Alert-Glove-4852
Check if you share washer/dryer.
kstinfo t1_ix9jfzb wrote
Reply to Gas Bill High (Need Advice) by Alert-Glove-4852
" we live in a rental unit "
Are there other tenants? If so talk to them.
kstinfo t1_ix4n5hv wrote
What a treasured picture to have.
kstinfo t1_iw0q8rf wrote
In the short time this story has been up many comments have been about the value of his art. Him going into a war zone has more value to Ukraine than that. Bravo Banksy !
kstinfo t1_ivyy22f wrote
Reply to What are your favorite hidden gems in DC? by [deleted]
Kennilworth Park and the Aquatic Gardens.
Not at its best right now but get a jump for later.
kstinfo t1_ivqgm8p wrote
Reply to Strange Vibrating Humming Noise by _kit_kat98
Some commercial buildings have installed 'noise' machines to keep the homeless away from their properties overnight.
kstinfo t1_iuh0iqr wrote
Reply to Richard Branson declines invitation to debate death penalty with Shanmugam, says TV format 'turns serious debate into spectacle' by chronoistriggered
Criminal justice should be about how good a society can be, not about how bad individuals can be.
kstinfo t1_iu6yap0 wrote
Reply to My dad rocking his Fro in the 70's by Caribbeandude04
sittin on the dock of the dock of the bay
kstinfo t1_iu6ri2x wrote
This is so cool because abstract geometrics are about balance and how the viewer feels when looking at it. In this case the 'weight' was supposed to be at the top and not the bottom. Having it right-side up would put the viewer in touch with what the artist had in mind.
kstinfo t1_iu6p1bx wrote
Meyer-Buese looks very proud and enjoying the humor - as well she should.
kstinfo t1_isydtil wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
How much of what you're complaining about is because of lack of removal by the city? The last time I was there (since my post) there was some trash but it was mostly around full to over-flowing containers.
kstinfo t1_iswbp1e wrote
Reply to comment by Imawildedible in "It was scary." Athletes, parents call for firing of Baraboo athletic director, criminal charges for others in vigilante incident by Imawildedible
I don't want it to slip. I was hoping after 9 days (not a few) something should have happened.
kstinfo t1_isv88tq wrote
Reply to "It was scary." Athletes, parents call for firing of Baraboo athletic director, criminal charges for others in vigilante incident by Imawildedible
This story was posted 9 days ago. Surely there must be more timely news.
kstinfo t1_isc81na wrote
Reply to McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
By and large the square is pretty clean and I don't see a reluctance of people walking through.
Homelessness is a problem, not just here in DC. As long as the problem exists, the reminders should not be swept out of sight.
kstinfo OP t1_irkadfg wrote
Reply to comment by Pluto_Rising in TIL A 2017 study found that the introduction of iodized salt in 1924 raised the IQ for the one-quarter of the population most deficient in iodine. by kstinfo
Makes no sense to me. Maybe it's a typo.
kstinfo OP t1_irhcc7g wrote
Reply to comment by danivus in TIL A 2017 study found that the introduction of iodized salt in 1924 raised the IQ for the one-quarter of the population most deficient in iodine. by kstinfo
I could wonder the same but now we have entire businesses devoted to making things more complicated.
kstinfo t1_ir0wmlv wrote
Reply to comment by Quelcris_Falconer13 in Homeless resources by Quelcris_Falconer13
forgot my /s
kstinfo t1_iqzwa0f wrote
Reply to Homeless resources by Quelcris_Falconer13
r/DC doesn't like the homeless. They're all crazy, alcoholic, drugged out, aggressive litterers.
kstinfo t1_iy1koox wrote
Reply to Bodybuilder Relna Brewer showing her strength by ripping a phone book apart (1938) by electricmastro
She's a cutie but that top is not flattering.