
ksyoung17 t1_j8dav24 wrote

Don't despair! The 4% increase in tax revenues from the 1% should be ample funding to repair these roads.


We all know all that money goes directly to the T. And then they'll tell us "we should be using public transportation to help preserve our roads."

Serves 10% of the state's population, gets 90% of the funding.


ksyoung17 t1_ivwd33u wrote

The law is about taxing the rich. Sold to the people as a tax to improve schools and roads. the T.


They're never doing anything for commuters that drive. Socialism needs you to be dependent upon state owned transportation. So walk or bike your ass to the commuter rail, to the subway, onto a bus, walk another half mile to work, pay more taxes, then do the whole thing backwards.


ksyoung17 t1_ivwcs5j wrote

This is Massachusetts, "cut" and "taxes" don't go in the same sentence unless it's to say the collector will "cut" you to collect.

Hell they can't even come up with progressive tax cuts for parents, students, etc... All they know is "moar."


ksyoung17 t1_ivwciu4 wrote

People are making more money now, so that's where the tax surplus comes in. Now they'll have to adjust budgets in line with increased W2s across the state.

The 4% is to be handed to workers unions that work on the T, which inevitably still catches on fire.