ktappe t1_jduf0ip wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - Cloudburst.it by 0IIie
Welp, I have 10,000 days left to live. Yay. Now what do I do?
ktappe t1_jdueyh1 wrote
Reply to comment by 0IIie in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - Cloudburst.it by 0IIie
I'm on a laptop and it did not show values as I moved the sliders.
ktappe t1_jduecn7 wrote
Reply to comment by very_cozy in Phone keeps popping up with this error, but it's not wet or ever has been? by very_cozy
It's surprising to learn how many 3rd party cables suck. I mean, really. Those Five Below cables just don't do the job for more than a month or two. Use Anker or Apple cables and you'll have fewer headaches. And this is coming from someone born & bred to try to find a discount anywhere he can.
ktappe t1_jdoifl4 wrote
Reply to No more goat snuggles: Local family farmers pull out of events due to backlash by Sandstorm400
I will believe this happened when they release the messages. It seems like they have as much an agenda as the activists.
ktappe OP t1_jcohpfr wrote
Reply to comment by starion832000 in Plan would refund 50% of road tolls for Pennsylvanians by ktappe
No, never. The very word “turnpike“ refers to the bar that they would only raise to let you through once you paid the toll.
ktappe OP t1_jclweuy wrote
Reply to comment by Excelius in Plan would refund 50% of road tolls for Pennsylvanians by ktappe
Probably true. He’s likely just pandering so he has something to campaign on.
ktappe OP t1_jclcynm wrote
I'd really rather they use the $ to fix the roads, instead of issuing refunds.
ktappe t1_jc4kfe4 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Any scenic route(s) from DC up to the Pocono Township area? by CrownStarr
Depends on the time of day. You’re definitely right at rush hour, but if OP drives through around noon time it should be absolutely fine. That’s what I inferred they were doing considering they are looking to sightsee.
ktappe t1_jc2wmcd wrote
Reply to comment by thisoldbroad in Any scenic route(s) from DC up to the Pocono Township area? by CrownStarr
I didn’t want to send them through West Chester.
ktappe t1_jc2vub9 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Any scenic route(s) from DC up to the Pocono Township area? by CrownStarr
I’m specifically taking them around Philly traffic.
ktappe t1_jbyawqg wrote
Reply to comment by CrownStarr in Any scenic route(s) from DC up to the Pocono Township area? by CrownStarr
Cool! Have fun!
ktappe t1_jby4597 wrote
How far off the beaten path are you willing to go? I ask because I can get you a drivethrough of the Brandywine Valley that will be gorgeous. But it will involve you going on single lane roads for about half an hour once you hop off I-95 in Delaware and drive north.
If you're willing, take I-95 into Delaware and exit at Route 141 North, before you get to Wilmington. Take 141 North until you turn left on Route 100 North. That will take you through Winterthur, an old Dupont estate. Make sure to turn left to stay on 100 instead of going straight onto 92.
This will take you up past the the Andrew Wyeth estate and Brandywine River Museum. It's a PA bicycle route, so watch out for riders.
This road runs into Route 1 which you can then take to 202 to the PA Turnpike and Route 611 North, which others have suggested. You'll just hit 611 a bit further north than Philly, which is a good thing.
Let me know if interested and I'll try to map it up on Google for you.
ktappe t1_jbrft2x wrote
Reply to comment by linkdudesmash in PA Representative Burns gloats as 220 residents lose their homes by my404
"Ongoing structural inspection"?? That's not a thing. Inspections take hours, not months. It's an excuse to evict black people.
ktappe t1_jbi4zfy wrote
Reply to comment by MayorOfCentralia in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
It was the GOP-controlled legislature that redirected $4.2 billion of our tax money from fixing our roads to the PA State Police.
So next time you hit a pothole, blame the Republicans who are responsible.
ktappe t1_jbc6rw9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pennsylvania hospital wants to send woman in coma to Dominican Republic, against her family’s wishes by WITFnews
Actually, yes, they do.
ktappe t1_jbb4bhv wrote
Reply to comment by drxdrg08 in Pennsylvania hospital wants to send woman in coma to Dominican Republic, against her family’s wishes by WITFnews
Healthcare is a right everywhere else in the world except here. You're gonna stick to your claim that everyone else is wrong but us?
ktappe t1_jb3rhis wrote
Reply to comment by XxItsAwigxX in Buying a used car in PA but no existing insurance - how do? by XxItsAwigxX
There is no need to have your car insurance agent nearby. Mine is in Harrisburg while I live outside Philly. We just do business by phone; it's easy.
ktappe t1_jabfi0t wrote
Reply to Moms for Liberty Bucks County Leaders Think Public Schools Are Trying to Bring Pedophilia Into the Classrooms by Open_Veins_8
It’s hard to know if they truly believe this. It may well be that they are leveraging this pedophilia angle to simply gain more power. They don’t care who they hurt in the process.
ktappe t1_ja523d7 wrote
Reply to comment by MRichards18 in Philly grocery store selling bottled water from near the Ohio train derailment, even as a Western PA grocery chain pulls product from the same source by Dryheavemorning
You can't paint all tap water with a broad brush like this.
ktappe t1_ja0c50a wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Kindergartner Struck Dead At School Bus Stop In Westmoreland County, Mom Says by jillianpikora
I'm a bicyclist. I was nearly hit by two different pickup trucks on Thursday. Yes, drivers suck. But I still have trouble believing that if someone violates the law and kills someone, the cops do absolutely nothing.
ktappe t1_ja0bvsd wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Kindergartner Struck Dead At School Bus Stop In Westmoreland County, Mom Says by jillianpikora
Fine, be pedantic. If the driver had passed a stopped school bus with flashing lights, and hit and killed a child, they would have been arrested. Sorry for assuming that part was clearly implied.
ktappe t1_j9zycq2 wrote
Reply to comment by vintageideals in Kindergartner Struck Dead At School Bus Stop In Westmoreland County, Mom Says by jillianpikora
If the driver had passed a stopped school bus with flashing lights, they would have been arrested. They were not. So no, it's not safe to assume that at all.
ktappe t1_j9zslre wrote
Reply to comment by vintageideals in Kindergartner Struck Dead At School Bus Stop In Westmoreland County, Mom Says by jillianpikora
That’s not what happened.
ktappe t1_j9wp20b wrote
>I didn't "mark it stolen" in the correct way
That was someone who doesn't know what they're talking about making shit up. You did everything right.
ktappe t1_jdx8nhu wrote
Reply to Can someone tell me why from Kutztown Road to Allentown Pike all along Route 222 it smells like shit? by leel_the_world
Come to Kennett Square and then talk to us about smell.