ladymeowskers OP t1_jegynbm wrote
Reply to comment by sugarmag13 in Narcissistic, gaslighting father (m63) me(f31) by ladymeowskers
This is helpful. I know this is the right path. I guess I just needed a community vote to make sure I’m not in the wrong. I think that’s that hardest part getting over a long term gaslighting relationship,just validating that your beliefs are true, regardless of the truth.
ladymeowskers OP t1_jegv70j wrote
This was helpful. I know you’re right. I know my husband is right. It’s just hard. It’s less hard recognizing that he’s been gaslighting me my entire life, but still difficult nonetheless.
ladymeowskers OP t1_jegtbfe wrote
Reply to comment by HHIOTF in Narcissistic, gaslighting father (m63) me(f31) by ladymeowskers
I want to say that he needs the mental health check to “get well soon”, the only way I’ll ever allow him in my child’s life is if he gets therapy.
But as a narcissist, I know this feeling is naively optimistic.
I guess I just want to have all my boxes checked that I’ve done all I can do to have a relationship with him, without giving into his manipulation.
Because you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help himself. Maybe no one else has brought up the thought of therapy? Regardless of how fleeting it might be?
ladymeowskers OP t1_jegz1pd wrote
Reply to comment by sugarmag13 in Narcissistic, gaslighting father (m63) me(f31) by ladymeowskers
Thank you. I think I’m going to write a letter to get it off my chest, but not send it, just burn it at the beach and let the ocean carry my grief away.