laffeybunn t1_jco678q wrote
Reply to comment by thepropbox in One kidney left but well worth it for this whole build. Neuron w/ Future Funk by thepropbox
I was really worried but then you'd have like 200k. That would buy approximately 40 Jane CE V2s.
You could use the Janes as an investment vehicle to combat inflation
laffeybunn t1_jco5bf8 wrote
Reply to One kidney left but well worth it for this whole build. Neuron w/ Future Funk by thepropbox
Did you actually sell your kidney for a keyboard
laffeybunn t1_jcm856i wrote
Reply to comment by eternalbuzz in Group Buys and Interest Checks in 2023 by ExpiredDeodorant
Yeah. Thanks for explaining my message because I'm so over this meme and this trend that explaining my comment is gonna give me an aneurysm.
It's not even funny man.
The ONLY 65%.that has come even remotely close to grabbing my attention since the DELTA is the new $400-$500 Retro 66
laffeybunn t1_jcj9vfg wrote
It's been this way forever
laffeybunn t1_j6g9egq wrote
Reply to comment by notpr0nacct in Swollen battery. Any ideas on how I can remove it from the case without bursting it? It looks like it's glued to the case. by Vazh93
It's a fairly popular mod. I've done it a lot and it's a near-necessity for cheap ABS tray mount boards
laffeybunn t1_j6g8zrp wrote
Reply to comment by Dizi1 in Swollen battery. Any ideas on how I can remove it from the case without bursting it? It looks like it's glued to the case. by Vazh93
Huh. I guess
laffeybunn t1_j6bwkxt wrote
Reply to comment by wosmo in Swollen battery. Any ideas on how I can remove it from the case without bursting it? It looks like it's glued to the case. by Vazh93
Are they known for these issues?
laffeybunn t1_j623ln8 wrote
Reply to Why You Can't Make Holy Bobas (or Bykos) Work. A Small Study on Halo (& Polia) Stems with Boba Tops by Miiyoo
The end to this "COPIUMA AHAHAH" made me die inside. I would do the exact same thing. Inb4 this reaches top post
laffeybunn t1_j616nmw wrote
laffeybunn t1_j616cuu wrote
How many switches fit per container?
Can you link this spice rack in a reply?
laffeybunn t1_j4h4bbj wrote
Reply to (•_•) by JerDawg410-BL4NK
i really regret not having this keyset. o well.
laffeybunn t1_j2v9trw wrote
Reply to comment by Hedgey in Now that I have used VIAL, I can't use VIA any more. by plazman30
Nooooo you're going to ruin my ignorance
laffeybunn t1_j2unvd6 wrote
I don't want to hate VIA and since VIAL is rarely supported I'll prob just keep myself ignorant as it is true bliss
laffeybunn t1_j2aqx3c wrote
Reply to comment by Computer_Sales in Christmas Loot by Computer_Sales
This is going to sound corny and unoriginal and cliche, but
Practice, practice, practice.
It's like lifting weights imo.
laffeybunn t1_j2a3blb wrote
Reply to comment by Computer_Sales in Christmas Loot by Computer_Sales
I'll find out but 90 WPM (which used to be my "I'm trying speed" is now my "relaxed" speed so there's improvement for sure!
laffeybunn t1_j2a2t09 wrote
Reply to comment by Computer_Sales in Christmas Loot by Computer_Sales
It's fast to normal people but I want to better for the flex so I'm hoping I can reach 165 one day
laffeybunn t1_j2a11yk wrote
Reply to comment by Computer_Sales in Christmas Loot by Computer_Sales
If only I could consistently hit this. I usually am around ~103 at 30 seconds
laffeybunn t1_j2a09r0 wrote
laffeybunn t1_j2a05ly wrote
Reply to After waiting for 2 months, it finally arrived, the M0110 reproduced by RyeWorks by Informal-Mirror-4751
Why is tagged as nsfw lol
laffeybunn t1_j1wjuh3 wrote
Reply to comment by DianaRig in New board, new tricks by TheKozmi
But then I'd have to relearn with my left hand UGHHH
laffeybunn t1_j1waoav wrote
Reply to comment by Blacksad999 in Finally got my XVX Skyline Keycaps installed by Blacksad999
That's the drawback
laffeybunn t1_j1w7y6i wrote
Reply to comment by Blacksad999 in Finally got my XVX Skyline Keycaps installed by Blacksad999
For actual low profile you can't get better then nuphys keycaps from what I know of.
In terms of keycaps my favorite profile is g20 but it's Way to expensive to be on more then one keyboard
laffeybunn t1_j1w7rfg wrote
Reply to First time poster, seen on Christmas break in AZ! Can't wait to start sharing builds! by URKTIMUS
Can attest to the strength of this sticker, it has survived roughly 20 ft of snow and several days worth of 60-70 mph gusts (although it's basically failing off at this point)
laffeybunn t1_j1w6uax wrote
Reply to comment by pedrorq in Finally got my XVX Skyline Keycaps installed by Blacksad999
There's a name for this kinda keycap? Also how do you know it's XDAL if you don't have it
laffeybunn t1_jcpc6t1 wrote
Reply to comment by S-T-Q in Group Buys and Interest Checks in 2023 by ExpiredDeodorant
No money for it either, still working on my $1000 windx98