
lantonas t1_iwmbp46 wrote

Me driving into Newport, NH as a Vermonter. Crest the hill at 52 and see a cop, and think oh shit, wasn't there a 35mph sign back there?

Why does NH love 35mph speed limits on roads in the middle of nowhere with full breakdown lanes?


lantonas t1_iwhmp9v wrote

He posts enough personally identifying information on Reddit that a Warden might have a fun time putting all the pieces together.

The town he lives in, his job, his age, his previous jobs, previous places he has lived, how many kids he has, the country his wife is from, how long they have been married, his fantasy football team name, and even how tall he is. lol

After that all the Warden has to do is knock on the door and ask him to take him to the kill site for his deer.

And since is actually in New Hampshire they can make an entire spectacle of it for TV!


lantonas t1_iwd4en9 wrote

I'd be willing to bet that the wardens will gladly pursue a case of somebody plainly admitting that their friend is shooting deer and using his tags.

We're talking about fines, restitution, license suspension, possible weapon confiscation. And this goes for both parties.


lantonas t1_iwd34td wrote

Let's say you go fishing and the daily limit is six trout. A game warden shows up and you have ten trout on the stringer.

Would "Sorry officer, those extra four are for my neighbor, but don't worry, he has a fishing license!" or "Sorry officer, those extra four count towards tomorrow's bag limit" get you very far?