lantonas t1_jd1s2zu wrote
Reply to French towns in the Northeast? by wojtekthesoldierbear
McDonald's in Lancaster has french fries.
lantonas t1_jd1p5yu wrote
Reply to comment by thunderbundle in Police busted underage drinking party at home of state rep by BudsKind802
Things alcoholics say.
lantonas t1_jccp7a2 wrote
Reply to comment by greenmountaintop in Desperate for plowing by Jazzhandsfolkfeet
So what good is a snow plow if it is going to get stuck?
lantonas t1_jcby7wp wrote
Reply to New Hampshire welcomes ‘advanced recycling’ of plastics as some call for tighter regulations by EnergyNewsNetwork
Recycling of plastic, also known as; landfill.
lantonas t1_jcbf5ap wrote
Reply to comment by beagletronic61 in How is storm response and two year tree trimming cheaper than burying electric lines?? by schillerstone
Clearly the power companies don't want to bury line because they love paying workers overtime.
That make so much sense!
lantonas OP t1_jc7px4a wrote
Reply to comment by greeneyedbandit82 in Essex High School and South Burlington High School should be banned from all VPA Sponsored Activities by lantonas
Would they have forfeited if a black student posted a TikTok with the n-word?
If not the decision was based on race.
lantonas t1_jc06rfn wrote
Reply to comment by DeerFlyHater in First Snow Map For The Tuesday/Wednesday Nor'Easter by TheCloudBoy
Threat to Democracy.
lantonas t1_jbrno3j wrote
Reply to comment by HardTacoKit in How a bar in Vermont differentiates their bathrooms. by zombienutz1
Yes. Imagine the bathroom without the urinal is in use.
I'm literally shaking just thinking about this.
lantonas t1_jbrnaul wrote
Reply to comment by HardTacoKit in How a bar in Vermont differentiates their bathrooms. by zombienutz1
Imagine being a transwoman and the only bathroom available is advertised as having a urinal.
lantonas t1_jbriotz wrote
This kind of seems like a hate crime
lantonas t1_jbp3xz5 wrote
Reply to comment by Boomtowersdabbin in NH governor budgets close to $1.5M in funding for northern border safety by sdlover420
Canada will actually deport them.
lantonas t1_jbp3l6k wrote
Reply to comment by exhaustedretailwench in NH governor budgets close to $1.5M in funding for northern border safety by sdlover420
Non-US citizens that fly into Canada and illegally cross into the United States.
Why don't they just stay in Canada?
Because Canada will actually deport them because Canadians are heartless white supremacists.
lantonas t1_jbp35ti wrote
Reply to comment by dzastrus in NH governor budgets close to $1.5M in funding for northern border safety by sdlover420
The last time I went to Canada (with my Hispanic cousin) we were stopped at the border, forced to park and go inside where they interrogated us about our life history and looked through our car.
On the way back I told the US border agent that we bought a coffee mug with Jim Morrison on it. He laughed and waved us through.
The difference between the two attitudes was embarrassing.
lantonas t1_jbk2ooj wrote
Reply to comment by HardTacoKit in Breakfast spots in Chittenden Co but not BTV by MathGeekVT
BTV is an airport.
lantonas t1_jbjx450 wrote
Who would go to an airport for breakfast?
lantonas t1_jb38a82 wrote
Reply to comment by Trajikbpm in Small town corruption at its finest by Trajikbpm
> We don't get access to the river btw they put an end to that.
Fun fact, you can do whatever you want in the river and they can't stop you
lantonas t1_jaw62cs wrote
Reply to comment by trueg50 in Hydroelectric no longer going to be renewable? by NEK_USA
> As for open carry, absolutley not a problem, just another case of "seeing something else where and deciding its an issue needing solving here". It also is a nice bonus if it demonized gun owners and makes firearms "that much scarier/hard to own". I hope the open carry measure is stripped out.
Hopefully open carry of semi-automatic weapons is enforced against police as well. I hate seeing police open carry their semi-automatic pistols
lantonas t1_jaw5qow wrote
This is what happens when you vote Democrat
lantonas t1_jarq2as wrote
Reply to comment by 0fficerGeorgeGreen in Why do Vermonters do The Line™️ rather than passing? by Ulimaatissaq
Riding your brakes down a "mountain" road (let's be honest, it's a 4.5% grade east and 3.5% grade west) to go 20% under the speed limit while the roads are completely clear and dry is reasonable?
lantonas t1_jarnjfv wrote
Reply to comment by wut_the_phuck in Why do Vermonters do The Line™️ rather than passing? by Ulimaatissaq
People that think they are going to slide off the road every time they change lanes so they never change lanes are the reason that people never change lanes.
lantonas t1_jarn2to wrote
Reply to comment by 0fficerGeorgeGreen in Why do Vermonters do The Line™️ rather than passing? by Ulimaatissaq
I went to Rutland last month and both there and back on Route 4 through Killington I was following a car doing 40mph down the mountain riding their brakes the entire time. The roads were dry.
You do you I guess.
lantonas t1_jarmavs wrote
Reply to comment by edave22 in Why do Vermonters do The Line™️ rather than passing? by Ulimaatissaq
You know what's more dangerous that passing?
Having a line of cars driving unreasonably slow.
lantonas t1_jd4j75e wrote
Reply to comment by xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx in Police busted underage drinking party at home of state rep by BudsKind802
90% of the people in this sub are full blown alcoholics.