leadfoot9 t1_iy3k14c wrote
TL;DR: Spending money leads to a better product.
On a related note, I wonder how all of the stores who base decisions on voluntary customer surveys with no meaningful reimbursement are doing with that.
leadfoot9 t1_iy3jc8m wrote
Reply to The City of Sisterly Love by Kind_Profile_6662
I hate lazy "Yinz" merch, but that's creative. I'll allow it.
leadfoot9 t1_iy3j8s3 wrote
Reply to comment by CL-MotoTech in Watch out for scammers in parking garages by rubyredcrocs
Maybe so, but when you've had a vehicle stolen in broad daylight 20 feet from the parking garage's security office, this statement kind of falls flat.
leadfoot9 t1_iy3j4ee wrote
This is a longtime scam from surface lots. Pretty bold to try it in a garage.
leadfoot9 t1_ixq6zlh wrote
Reply to comment by asr in Pittsburgh's largest nonprofit is concerned that its profits are down by thanxhaveagood1
>the insurance is not the source of high costs
Well, let's not forget the cost to patients and providers of dealing with the bureaucracies of multiple insurance companies. The insurance companies may not be charging that money directly, but it's a real cost.
leadfoot9 t1_ixdvtrx wrote
Reply to City Cast Pittsburgh and City Cast Philly are debating sheetz/wawa! We want to hear your take! by caffeinejuice
Sheetz is our side, right? I don't really frequent gas stations...
Submitted by leadfoot9 t3_yrve96 in pittsburgh
leadfoot9 t1_iuk9q6c wrote
Reply to Do kids still go trick-or-treating on Halloween night in Bloomfield/Pittsburgh? by Sandybeagle
Not in Bloomfield, but there were only like 25% as many kids as last year for us.
leadfoot9 t1_iuie5jr wrote
leadfoot9 t1_iuhnuee wrote
The disclaimer is mostly intended for if something controversial unknowingly slips past scrutiny. If you see companies blatantly allowing bad actor advertisers, they are totally complicit.
leadfoot9 t1_iuhn3gl wrote
"Driving like grandpa" is code for "obeying the speed limit and using your turn signals".
Your fellow gig workers are part of the problem, certainly, even if none of the people who hit you were gigging. Needless aggression to make the deliveries and an anarchist approach to parking.
Poorly-designed vehicles with massive blind spots and distracting screens are another contributor.
I don't THINK that PA was one of the states that gave out fraudulent no-test drivers' licenses in 2020, but we may as well have.
leadfoot9 t1_iuhmfym wrote
Reply to comment by twigman030 in A reminder to be extra careful on the road by theherbpuffer
True, but that's like saying that vast majority of people in a rough neighborhood have never committed murder. It only takes a few wackos to make a place dangerous.
It follows that a person's experience cycling can probably vary wildly depending on the routes they use and whom they share their commute with.
leadfoot9 t1_iudevze wrote
Reply to comment by bingosherlock in Anyone confirm if Fifth Season is shutting down their business? by Big-Cockroach-5986
One of the biggest hurdles to automation is just how hard our economy exploits human workers. Why invest in an expensive robot when the minimum wage is $7.25*/hour? Not too mention, humans are much easier to replace when they break.
*except for disabled workers, gig workers, undocumented immigrants, etc.
leadfoot9 t1_iu93k7v wrote
The most glaring city planning mistake I see in this photo is the big round tumor surrounded by surface parking that takes up almost as much space as the entirety of Downtown.
leadfoot9 t1_iu9397f wrote
Reply to comment by guino27 in Here you can see the root of the Rte 28 problem by guino27
> horse drawn speeds
Otherwise known as "the speed at which it is safe to drive within a city".
Route 28 is a state route, though. It's PennDOT's fault. I'm not really sure what, if anything, the city planning department might have had to do with it.
leadfoot9 t1_iu41916 wrote
Reply to Telescope Store? by BachataKnight
I always like going to specialty shops instead of online when possible, but a telescope shop might be a hard thing to find IRL. My first instinct is to try B&H Photo.
leadfoot9 t1_itbv6ce wrote
Reply to comment by OverTheCandleStick in Non-Insulated Apartments and Dual-Hose Portable Air Conditioners by chinawcswing
Still better than running a big, power-hungry machine in the enclosed space that you're trying to cool without at least letting its heat sinks stick out the window.
leadfoot9 t1_itbv1rz wrote
I just thought dual hoses were slightly less bad because they didn't let the ambient and hot air mix in the same hose, which allows them to move air more efficiently. I don't see how pressure has anything to do with it. All air conditioners create pressure differences. Meh, I just read an article saying that's wrong. Not a well-written article, but I'll withhold my judgment on that.
All portable AC with hoses are garbage. Dual hose is only slightly better. If it costs twice as much, you're much better off buying literally any window unit that you can get to fit.
If your apartment has walls, then that's still more insulation than the hoses have. Speaking of which, if you do end up making the unfortunate choice of buying one of these, at least put some insulation on the g*****n hoses!
leadfoot9 t1_itbul2n wrote
Reply to comment by Muncie4 in Non-Insulated Apartments and Dual-Hose Portable Air Conditioners by chinawcswing
>The hierarchy of AC units:
>1. Window
>2. Dual hose
>3. Single hose
Well, you forgot the various higher-tier kinds that need to be permanently installed. Traditional central ducts, ductless mini-splits, radiant cooling, etc.
Also, I'd argue that opening a window and turning on a fan is just as good as portable AC with hoses in many climates while being much, much cheaper.
leadfoot9 t1_itbteqh wrote
Reply to Are there any water pitchers (with or without a filter) that are shaped like this and can survive drops that you would recommend? by TheTwelveYearOld
Never tried it, but Life WIthout Plastic has some big stainless steel ones. They are not cheap.
leadfoot9 t1_isnskgf wrote
Reply to Pay Phone Locations by prprk
All the ones I was going to suggest were covered, but godspeed.
leadfoot9 t1_iy4l7ix wrote
Reply to Brilliant Line will provide a car-free route across Allegheny River by hydrateandchill
While downcycling old rail bridges IS very efficient and environmentally friendly, I wish there were a way to get new non-car infrastructure that didn't involve cannibalizing former railroad right-of-way.
EDIT: were