lectrician7 OP t1_j612d08 wrote
Reply to comment by mikenice1 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
That’s what I figured.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60vbc2 wrote
Reply to comment by georgecostanza37 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
I asked a mass sub because I live in mass, there was no other reasoning behind why I chose this sub.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60v0hk wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
So you don’t think that making your judgement about me before even talking to me was wrong? Or are just gonna ignore that you made up your mind and were wrong? I seriously think this is one our biggest issues in society. If people would just talk like human beings (no matter what their political views are) this country would be far better.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60ugb1 wrote
Reply to comment by trillian79 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
I appreciate your ability to not make a judgement about someone and hold an actual conversation. Thank you. If more people were like you (no matter their political views) this country would a better a place.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60tf0m wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
I agree
lectrician7 OP t1_j60t5cx wrote
Reply to comment by georgecostanza37 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
I’m not asking anyone to prove it ISN’T true. I know you can’t prove a negative. That’s why I asked if someone had first hand knowledge. I assume it’s not true. This is essentially a way for me to prove to this coworker thief wrong and believed a fairly unbelievable rumor. But everyone assumes I believe it. Which is absurd to me. It’s very sad to me how many people make assumption about me based on this post. Instead of asking me what I thought. As I said in another response earlier I think this judgement of people without asking pertinent questions is a huge problem in society today. I honestly makes me sad. I wish people would just be better than that.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60seb5 wrote
Reply to comment by trillian79 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
This totally makes sense.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60s91v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
Agreed unfortunately
lectrician7 OP t1_j60ronl wrote
Reply to comment by solvatochrome in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
Ummmm read some of my comment responses. Your blatantly wrong. There’s a reason I asked for someone who had frost hand knowledge because I’m fairly confident that won’t happen. See I knew you were wrong. Don’t make assumptions about people. It’s wrong and kinda mean to be honest.
Edit: people doing that like you did is probably one the biggest problems I society today. Why you assumed that I wanted it to be true is beyond me. You should never assume anything, ask questions of people get their true feeling on things. Don’t go hating people for no reason. Be better. We are guilty of this at times I suppose.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60rcox wrote
Reply to comment by 3toeddog in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
I’m sure it was! I honestly didn’t know how to react when my coworker said it! I ended just laughing and asked him if he believed everything he hears!
Edit: I get a little guilty for laughing at him but oh well I guess
lectrician7 OP t1_j60r368 wrote
Reply to comment by solvatochrome in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
Really so what does it tell you about me? I love that if someone asks a question someone can just make assumptions about them. I have a really strong feeling your assumption is incorrect by the way. But I’d love to openly answer any questions you have.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60qsat wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
No. I don’t work in the schools. This is why I am asking if someone says it’s true ti provide proof. I have time believing it and it seems anyone who says it’s true has always heard it second or third hand. Seems to me that it is in fact a stupid rumor.which is pretty sad actually
lectrician7 OP t1_j60qeq4 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
So in our society it’s spreading a rumor to simply ask a question and asking for someone who says something is true to provide proof?
lectrician7 OP t1_j60p739 wrote
Reply to comment by Son_of_Blorko in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
That’s exactly why I asked for first hand knowledge. I have serious trouble believing it’s actually the case and I’m sick of people who have said elsewhere that they heard something but have no actual proof?
lectrician7 OP t1_j60ow5y wrote
Reply to comment by particular-potatoe in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
What? Why wouldn’t I?
lectrician7 OP t1_j60ogqp wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
Asking a question isn’t spreading rumors. I’m literally trying to find out if anyone has first hang knowledge. As seen it for themselves. That’s why I specified that. So far it seems the answer in no.
lectrician7 OP t1_j60n4nq wrote
Reply to comment by quimblesoup in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
Ummm… There’s a reason why I specified first hand knowledge.
lectrician7 t1_j23a6oe wrote
Reply to comment by Coompa in How do I get rid of the Secondary No Sim? It’s set to off in cellular data. by my5ticdrag0n
What kind of battery impact are we talking about?
lectrician7 t1_j22213m wrote
Reply to How do I get rid of the Secondary No Sim? It’s set to off in cellular data. by my5ticdrag0n
So I’ve never realized having two sims was a thing now. I have an AT&T personal iPhone 12 Pro Max and and iPhone XR work phone. I currently have it set up so all my work calls are forwarded to personal number. Is it possible to put both sims on personal phone? Could I convert my ATT sim to an esim and simply put my work sim in and have access to both? If I did this could I make calls from either number of I wanted to? Could I also send and receive texts from either number? Or am I better off the way it’s setup now with call forwarding in place?
lectrician7 OP t1_j612qb1 wrote
Reply to comment by mikenice1 in Someone at work tried telling there’s schools with litter boxes for students who identify as cats or furries. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of this? Buy first hand knowledge have you seen it yourself or at least a photo? I’m looking for someone to say I heard it from so and so. by lectrician7
I did google it. At work in front of my coworker but he was adamant that it happens in our area so I figured I could ask here and show him no one has proof of it happening.