lightsrage85 t1_j35i2d5 wrote
Reply to comment by growth-or-happiness in Do we have any decent inpatient mental hospitals for adults? by Ipuncholdpeople
Yeah, I haven't heard nothing good about marian. I just heard from a close friend cox north was great.
lightsrage85 t1_j35ht1f wrote
Reply to Bariatric surgery recommendation by ProgressMom68
the only problem i have with mercy, I cant do the paperwork online. I have to have a sighted person help me. I don't like that. That drives me nuts. I cannot take most of the approved medicine because of medical problems I have. I need to do something. I have thought of the gastric sleeve. then I would not have my intestines rerouted. and my doctor says thats where i am at at this point. I a at that point of facing facts. but I have to figure out what I am going to do. I am over 200 pounds over weight. so I have to do something now not later.
lightsrage85 t1_j35ie6e wrote
Reply to comment by Wrinklestiltskin in Do we have any decent inpatient mental hospitals for adults? by Ipuncholdpeople
right? if you go to the main offices, you are good. but yeah. satalite offices no. I went to the booneville office once cause i was homeless there, and they shipped me back to columbia who was not helping me. I finally went to kc where I found an apartment.