
lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iz5e7i6 wrote

Ignoring the fact that nothing in your link contradicts the information I provided, your own link makes it clear that no matter how you choose to measure it, Apple makes 3-10x as much per unit (your 30% figure) as other electronic brands (single digit)...even after accounting for everything and anything involved.

[edited for clarity and to keep this discussion from descending to your level of discourse]


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iz5d69e wrote

Apple promised to do that a decade or so ago. Since Foxconn and others were going entirely robotic anyway (no longer needed little fingers to make iPhones), it made sense to save money on the last big hard cost -- intercontinental shipping.

But, so far that has not happened. I suspect because building these factories would eat into Apple's obscene profits...which modern Wall Street would not permit Tim to do.


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iz5cvbv wrote

What's YOUR source?!

To ignore the fact that Apple's entire business model post-Jobs has been to increase profits per unit every single quarter is either disingenous or utterly clueless.

>It costs Apple $501 to make an iPhone 14 Pro Max, and the company sells it at a base price of $1099. This makes Apple’s base markup on the latest iPhone model at 119%


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_ixzgmin wrote

> The united forces of Frankfurt and Christianity will defend the dogma of 'Tabula Rasa'.

Which has been proven to be outdated nonsense philosophical dogma centuries ago. We should've really stopped talking about this mental masturbation centuries ago. And certainly not in /r/science. :)

We now know for a fact (supported by evidence) that Nature and Nurture work together on people. And science has revealed how both work to a very large degree regarding virtually everything we know about what shapes and what modifies the human mind. For example, twin studies show that which side of the bread we butter is anchored in our DNA first. However, nurture can train us out of this.

Studies like this provide reinforcement and much needed nuance regarding these ratios between nature and nurture.

For example, if little Donnie Trump had been raised by better human beings, would he still be a criminal, pathological lying, textbook narcissist today? Or would he just be a bad used watch salesmen in Jersey?


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_ixx2rec wrote

> Their results indicate that Dark Triad traits and emotional reactivity are transmitted intergenerationally.

I'm glad they did the research but this seems to have been self-evident for tens of thousand of years.

I suspect that genetic Dark Triad traits are passed on to children who are then raised to enhance rather than mitigate Dark Triad traits.

For a modern example, look at Fred Trump and his son Donald and then his children, etc.


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iweoego wrote

It will. In fact, because of the source, they will be able to make consistently high quality meat from the best stocks forever.

The first will be ground beef for patties, meatballs, bolognese, etc. That would replace everything from fast food to a major staple across the entire food chain -- a huge environmental win for everyone.

But they are already growing full steaks now...


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iuil5zy wrote

That sucks, mate!

Now, imagine you are in the USA. Where even if you have schizophrenia, you won't get any help until you kill someone. And then you won't get any help, you'll just be imprisoned.

Have you seen all those stories about homeless hordes in the USA? Those are primarily all of our people who aren't mentally ill enough to kill someone and don't get any help from our system at all.

For the record, I think all of them and YOU should be getting the help you need.


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_iuicugc wrote

Is it part of your insurance plan, which you pay premiums for AND have your salary reduced by the company's matching premium amount? Are there caps on your care by days, by dollar amount, per year, per lifetime of the policy, etc.? Aka American Profitcare?

Or are you on the ACA (aka Obamacare) which still has huge gaps in its coverage? And still doesn't cover everyone, of course.

Because I'm talking about civilized nations that have this coverage for every citizen as a right of citizenship. What our own Constitution refers to as "Life" in the "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness"...