lirongrongil t1_ixxv4jy wrote
Reply to WOR-TV 9 Thanksgiving Holiday Movie Special Ads "King Kong" (NYC, 1981) by mattjshermandotcom
This makes me happy because it feels cozy and nostalgic, it feels like a simpler time and a more innocent time somehow. But it makes me sad because it reminds me of how time is so fleeting and we can never turn it back.
lirongrongil t1_iwvh97r wrote
Reply to Landlords offering free rent again by sassbayc
I’ve heard rents are typically lower during the colder months though. Could this just be as expected and then back up afterwards?
lirongrongil t1_je68h2w wrote
Reply to Great food sharing app -- Too Good to Go. Wanted to spread the word by squidneyboi
Interesting. And I’m seeing lots of other apps that do this on the App Store so this app isn’t the only one. Wonder which is best?