
t1_jadu0ev wrote

Reply to Justice! by

took me less than 5 minutes to clean off my roof this morning and I only drove kids to school


I have a dashcam so if my car gets damaged i'll have the video of the offending car for insurance


t1_jadtrd1 wrote

if you want to control property tax growth then tell your lawmakers to pass incentives to build more office space in the state so that people stay in the state to work instead of going to NYC and the state losing out on that tax revenue


t1_jadq60i wrote

if it's anything like long island then 20%-25% is local town and county taxes and the rest school taxes. For nassau I looked up a home one time and they had the exact breakdown of all the taxes line by line a homeowner pays


t1_ja9gn5o wrote

the AMC IMAX screen at the AMC Lincoln Center theater in NYC is the best screen in the country. I've been to another lesser screen and it was pretty good too. $26 a ticket was a good price for it too.


average ticket price in NYC is $15. there was a small theater by me that was $8 and I used to go there or to the IMAX. AMC should have upgraded more of their IMAX screens to make it a better value for people


t1_ja2t8cj wrote

Reply to HVAC by

It depends how old you system is. Pseg also has their worry free insurance but there is a 30-60 day wait from the time you get it to first repair


t1_j9zrolh wrote

the price of electricity from wind won't go up if Russia or some other fossil fuel nation decides they want to extort money from the rest of the world. In 1973 we had an economy that was screwed for a decade or longer after Saudi Arabia stopped selling oil to us and other geopolitics. With all the energy efficiency codes and energy independence in the last 40 years Russia invaded Ukraine and it had no effect on us but look at what happened in Europe


and over time there will be less fossil fuel infrastructure