
lost_in_life_34 t1_iy8av4l wrote

I don't know about the recent laws but you might be required to carry health insurance or pay an extra tax. my wife's plan is an HSA type plan but they pay part of the deductible as well.


one thing I learned in old age is take care of your body and don't wait for a doctor to tell you to lose weight or do something about your bloodwork. Many of the thresholds for problems are too high and lots of stuff is just BS to get you to pay for prescription drugs


lost_in_life_34 t1_ixuo0pv wrote

What’s the issue?

They have an algorithm that’s probably by distance and Yonkers is close

Go to the maps website, search there and move the little mouse around and search in that area

Not very hard


lost_in_life_34 t1_iwo7rpk wrote

the average attached home in NYC is around $10,000 in taxes and homes in Westchester or Nassau are also about the same as NJ. in Nassau there are a few large towns that small towns pay them to provide many services but it's not cheaper. Same with their schools


lost_in_life_34 t1_iwo7dtm wrote

there are already unified school districts like Northen Valley with 2-3 high schools. I don't have an issue with towns merging as long as the people that live in them agree with it and it's not down from the state or counties to whitewash over problem areas


lost_in_life_34 t1_iveojps wrote

And they burn more energy cause they have more mitochondria in their cells due to training

Low intensity builds more mitochondria per cell and high intensity trains them to work better

For strength training more muscle mass means more mitochondria to burn fat