
lovecraft_401 t1_iuo31go wrote

Lots of people adopted dogs during the pandemic and didn’t realize the sacrifices it takes to care for one.

Also it’s illegal in RI to bring your dog into any place that serves food or drinks. This one probably shouldn’t have been allowed through the door.


lovecraft_401 t1_iulwshw wrote

You had your chance to schedule a hearing when you got the ticket. Since a normal tow zone ticket is only $100, I’m guessing you ignored it for at least a month and the fine tripled.

You fucked around and found out. You had every chance to handle it easily on your own terms in a timely fashion, but you didn’t. Now you’ve got to go when they say.


lovecraft_401 t1_it8hkcw wrote

Letting a building go unused and virtually neglected for over two years then claiming they had no choice but to tear it down is kind of bullshit.

They closed the business in 2019 saying they needed to do renovations, did nothing for two years, then in 2021 tore it down. What could’ve been done during those two years to prevent the tear down? Did they intentionally wait until the building was too far gone because tearing it down was always in their plan?