
lovesdogsguy t1_ix0ibvl wrote

I genuinely think Twitter is throttling search results for things like fan “accommodations.” I’ve been searching repeatedly but there are almost no pictures being posted from arriving fans, just the same few attainted by the likes of the telegraph etc. The selfies should be FLOODING in by now for an event as big as this.


lovesdogsguy t1_islebkb wrote

>In their paper, researchers from Oxford University and Australian National University explain a fundamental pain point in the design of AI: “Given a few assumptions, we argue that it will encounter a fundamental ambiguity in the data about its goal. For example, if we provide a large reward to indicate that something about the world is satisfactory to us, it may hypothesize that what satisfied us was the sending of the reward itself; no observation can refute that.”


This isn't news. Ffs, this has long been a known issue with AI, and it's purely theoretical.


Edit: To quote the fourth (at time of writing) most upvoted comment in the futurology sub:


>Gotta love a headline with a vague appeal to authority, especially when it's opinion based. I'm guessing there are plenty of other "Researchers" with a different opinion, but those people don't get the headlines because their opinions aren't stoking fear to generate clicks


Some common sense over there for once.