
luniiz01 t1_j645fow wrote

It is so unfortunate to read stories like this.

Just know that you did nothing wrong. Your parents are 100000% in the wrong. Parents should treat their children as equals or at least not have obvious favoritism nor be abusive.

My advice is continue with therapy and talk to them about how to improve your self esteem. You can’t change your parents behavior but you can learn to love you and to continue on; you do not need to keep them in your life once you are adult. You can create your own family. Find people who want to be in your life- who love you and care for you.

You need to advocate for yourself: Ask school counseling if you’re able to get college courses while in high school to try and get ahead of the game. If not, how soon can you start working and how to keep your money safe? You need to think of your future- uni? Community college? Work? Get as much resources you can to make an informed decision.

As for your sister: honestly she is a victim of your parents and I hope she recognizes how messed up this is. But you don’t have to convince her.