
magellan315 t1_ja8n9n6 wrote

Nasser mobilized the Egyptian military, ordered U.N. Peacekeepers out of the Egypt, and closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships. The closing of the Straits of Tiran was declared by President Lyndon Johnson to be "If a single act of folly was more responsible for this explosion than any other, it was the arbitrary and dangerous announced decision that the Straits of Tiran would be closed."


magellan315 t1_ja8jeri wrote

You made vague assertions about peace treaties. Anwar Sadat was killed by his own military for making peace with Israel. Jordan was weak and ineffective following their losses in 1967 and had to deal with the PLO in 1970, more commonly known as Black September. They also did not come to terms with Israel until 1994.

Meanwhile the major players; Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and several others continue to funding terrorists. Even to this day.


magellan315 t1_ja8hgd9 wrote

Prove it. Its easy to claim Israel has targeted local and foreign media and I think that's all you have is a statement without proof. As for the Palestinians, lets talk about all of the Israelis and Jews who have been wounded or killed by terrorists in Israel and overseas.

The Arabs and the Palestinians chose war and terror starting in 1948, Israel is defending itself.


magellan315 t1_ja7zn3v wrote

The 1967 War was due to the fact that multiple Arab countries were massing soldiers, air planes, and tanks near the Israeli border in battle formations, should they have waited to be attacked first? The peace talks through the U.N. failed and allowed the Arabs to stall for time.

Then of course there is the 1973, 6 day war, where the Arabs attacked on the most sacred day of the Jewish religion.


magellan315 t1_ja7x46r wrote

The 1949 borders are indefensible. At one point the border is only 9.5 miles to the ocean it would take very little to cut Israel in half and then be destroyed. In the lead up to the 1967 war Egypt, Jordan, and Syria were massing tanks, airplanes, and soldiers in battle formations. Should Israel have waited to be attacked. They captured land during a war, why should they give it up?

The PA has reneged on both the Oslo and Dayton Accords, they can't be trusted.


magellan315 t1_j6y1m8d wrote

The BCGP could have easily engaged in protests using bicycle rides. Unfortunately the City Council has a tendency to punish organizations and their goals when that happens. The BCGP used to engage in protests, now they are lobbyists using an "educate and inform" methodology which inevitably leaving cyclists as a whole get the short end of the stick.