mainelinerzzzzz t1_iyj1fse wrote
He should have got a book deal.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iy0zckq wrote
Reply to comment by KeisterApartments in Saw this license plate and was intrigued. What does this mean? by diatriose
Philadelphia city police have been banned from pulling over people for “minor traffic infractions”. No tag - no problem. No inspection - no problem. Broken brake light or piddidle - no problem. No wonder Philly is going buck wild.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iy0ybmo wrote
Reply to comment by Zoeysmama1018 in Saw this license plate and was intrigued. What does this mean? by diatriose
They were discontinued once the PSP plate readers were up and fully running.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_ixnxwit wrote
Reply to comment by SweetDank in This mining tractor developed by Caterpillar is completely battery-operated by redhatGizmo
Spoiler alert!
mainelinerzzzzz t1_ixnxb8m wrote
Reply to comment by dangil in Hundreds riot at Foxconn iPhone plant over terrible conditions by Doener23
How would Apple helping the workers benefit the stockholders? Tim Cook does nothing but try to please shareholders.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_ixnwze8 wrote
Reply to comment by silverport in Hundreds riot at Foxconn iPhone plant over terrible conditions by Doener23
Seems high. My total guess is $1500, $200 more than if built by China with slave labor.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_ixhfp02 wrote
Reply to comment by ornery-fizz in This is why Pennsylvania the best state, we got Wawa and low child abuse numbers by Hardwarethewolf
Joe Knew!
mainelinerzzzzz t1_ixgf9t1 wrote
Reply to This is why Pennsylvania the best state, we got Wawa and low child abuse numbers by Hardwarethewolf
PA has the most under reported cases of child abuse in the country.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iwnnv6t wrote
Reply to Lifetime hunting ban for man found guilty of illegal hunting practices across PA, other states by -TheFarce-
What a Pusey.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iv7q0do wrote
Reply to People talk about ticks all the time, but nobody talks about these evil little monsters. My son and I were swarmed by them in the state game lands. They carry Lyme as well! by drunkmonkey176
I’ve never heard of these deer keds and I live and work in in north central PA woods.
An invasive species, just another gift from Asia/China. Fuck China and whatever importer brought in the goods infected with these things.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iuxoz4l wrote
Reply to comment by NativePA in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Shit. I was looking at two years ago. $.88/ gallon wholesale, what’s propane going for retail now?
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iuwi9ga wrote
Reply to comment by NativePA in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Check out the propane spot price here.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iuuqg5i wrote
Reply to comment by itsallfornaught2 in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Pipelines are a much less expensive delivery system than trucks. Don’t worry, propane is going up too, more than double last year’s price. Wear sweaters and long underwear this winter.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iusug97 wrote
Reply to comment by flutterbylove22 in FYI: PPL is Increasing their Electricity Rates by 18% to 14.612 cents/kWh on December 1st. This is up 53.78% YOY. by giggles-mcgee
Natural gas is up but will still be the most economical was to heat a house this winter.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_itvzihm wrote
Reply to comment by chaqalaqalaqa in GOP loses pre-election bid to mess with Pennsylvania's votes by susinpgh
I was agreeing with “it’s hardly foolproof”.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_itvvzn9 wrote
Reply to comment by chaqalaqalaqa in GOP loses pre-election bid to mess with Pennsylvania's votes by susinpgh
Exactly, the mail in ballot system has major flaws. Feel free to fill out your grandparents ballots, nobody will ever know.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_itsuvwx wrote
Reply to comment by appleslady13 in GOP loses pre-election bid to mess with Pennsylvania's votes by susinpgh
How would anyone know? Bad signatures don’t disqualify a ballot in PA, same goes for no signature, unless they changed the law.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_its5ekm wrote
Don’t worry grandma, I’ll fill out your mail in ballot for you.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_itoblsb wrote
Reply to comment by framistan12 in The Walmart at the Waterworks Mall is closing in November by James19991
Too much theft.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_it26ncw wrote
Post your land, it’ll keep 99% of ATVs off your land.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_isyaw5j wrote
Reply to Odds Of Hitting A Deer In PA Go Up: How To Avoid It This Season | Across Pennsylvania, PA by oldschoolskater
“Brake firmly” lol. Hit those fucking brakes as hard as you can. Antilock brakes work, most drivers don’t know how to use them.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_irii9vi wrote
Reply to A Pennsylvania prison gets a Scandinavian-style makeover – and shows how the US penal system could become more humane by JBupp
I give that fish tank two weeks.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iyvmf2v wrote
Reply to comment by Lurky_Murky_Rainbow in PennDot license and customer service issues. Local DMV will not help. by [deleted]
Yep. Your reps work for You.