majoroutage t1_j1gnk8l wrote
Reply to comment by ExpatJundi in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
Innocent until proven otherwise, motherfucker. Don't stop me unless you actually have some kind of evidence I have broken the law.
majoroutage t1_j1gne0m wrote
Reply to comment by RevengencerAlf in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
This is the correct answer.
majoroutage t1_j1gnc9i wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
6 and 44 are both US Routes and they definitely love to set up checkpoints on em.
majoroutage t1_j1gn5jx wrote
Reply to comment by Crayonbreaking in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
And the Commies.
majoroutage t1_j1gmpkw wrote
Reply to comment by sir_mrej in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
Third door on the left.
majoroutage t1_j1fywnl wrote
Reply to comment by Sbatio in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
>Ive also heard that if you are within 100 miles of an international border
The 100 miles things gives federal law enforcement authority they would not normally have unless authorized by the state.
majoroutage t1_j1fym7w wrote
Reply to comment by Sbatio in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
This guy gets it. DUI checkpoints are a presumption of guilt.
majoroutage t1_j1f54j7 wrote
Reply to comment by oneMadRssn in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
I said they were capable, I didn't say they were willing. God forbid, though, they should be expected to do their jobs properly.
So, yeah, fuck them and their "prove you're not really a criminal" checkpoints.
majoroutage t1_j1epk1v wrote
Reply to comment by OddWar6668 in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
My man. And if Mass isn't there, it's RI cops by the park-and-ride.
majoroutage t1_j1ep69v wrote
Reply to comment by oneMadRssn in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
Cops are perfectly capable of catching reckless drivers without interrogating every single one.
majoroutage t1_j1eono6 wrote
Reply to Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
'Tis the season for guilty until proven innocent.
majoroutage t1_j1c3802 wrote
Reply to comment by Waggmans in The line to see Avatar: The Way of Water at Jordan's IMAX in Natick by Tara_is_a_Potato
>no Christmas or New Years showings
Yes, how dare they close so employees can spend holidays with their families.
Also, Massachusetts still has blue laws on the books, it may not even be legal for them to be open.
EDIT. I just checked and they are closed Christmas but not New Year's. And Blue Law closings apply to Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, just FYI.
majoroutage t1_j16my8v wrote
majoroutage t1_j16mqxv wrote
Reply to comment by Direct-Pressure-7452 in Mass RMV by [deleted]
Old enough to remember when fully uniformed state troopers gave driving tests.
majoroutage t1_j0xtpa8 wrote
Reply to comment by EnoughIdeas in News: Judge allows convicted sex abuser Justin Mustafa to change his name to Justin Curtis by GeniusBtch
Fuck qualified immunity.
majoroutage t1_j0xhw3d wrote
Reply to comment by EnoughIdeas in News: Judge allows convicted sex abuser Justin Mustafa to change his name to Justin Curtis by GeniusBtch
Malicious prosecution should be grounds for a civil suit. At the very least you deserve reimbursement for your legal fees.
majoroutage t1_izvmg2q wrote
Frozen bridges make everyone drive like Ted Kennedy.
majoroutage t1_izhsy2g wrote
Reply to comment by catastrophichysteria in U.S. hospitals are required to publish their prices for medical procedures now, so my friends and I collected around 15 million prices from 143 hospitals in Massachusetts and created a search engine where anyone can see how much they may be charged. Let me know what you think! by taeyoungwoo
Google tells me there is one by the same name in Chicago too.
majoroutage t1_iys96kv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What's with the large amount of cars with only one working headlight?? by artuno
I agree, especially when it's implemented this way. I'm starting to see some vehicles again that use amber lights instead.
majoroutage t1_iys7wci wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What's with the large amount of cars with only one working headlight?? by artuno
That would be the fault of Daytime Running Lamps. Makes people forget their lights aren't on properly.
majoroutage t1_iy1wlid wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mcdonald's Birthday Cake? by JainaAusten
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
- C. S. Lewis
majoroutage t1_iy1wdvo wrote
Reply to comment by tehutika in Mcdonald's Birthday Cake? by JainaAusten
Sounds like I was a few years too early to have her then. But that's still pretty wild!
majoroutage t1_iy1vjql wrote
Reply to comment by tehutika in Mcdonald's Birthday Cake? by JainaAusten
Good lord, I think it was for my 8th or 9th birthday, so this would have been in the early-mid 90s.
majoroutage t1_iy0mk6i wrote
Reply to comment by Livingontherock in Mcdonald's Birthday Cake? by JainaAusten
>Shit, I am still salty I can't have fudge-y the whale from Carvel.
Mr. Peeper's in Swansea can recreate that for you. Their Bittersweet Ecstasy cake is pretty close.
majoroutage t1_j1gopl1 wrote
Reply to comment by ExpatJundi in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
Technically they are obstructing traffic and unlawfully detaining drivers while interrogating them. Merely driving down a road is not probable cause to effect a traffic stop.
And, yes, people who don't care about the rights of lawful citizens do annoy me.
Amazingly, also, other countries with less enumerated rights can somehow even pull this off more efficiently than our cops can.