majoroutage t1_j7de5a3 wrote
Reply to comment by TheGreyVicinity in What’s the logic behind stun guns & tasers being illegal? by TheGreyVicinity
Well, it is a blue state, and the scales are starting to slide, but yeah so far we have held up better than some.
majoroutage t1_j7ddnre wrote
Reply to comment by huh_phd in What’s the logic behind stun guns & tasers being illegal? by TheGreyVicinity
Maglite also still makes those nice big C/D-cell self defense flashlights.
majoroutage t1_j79d6l2 wrote
Reply to comment by DaddyBrown in Yeah, no by Westreacher
Trick statement. They have a wood stove.
majoroutage t1_j77cg2c wrote
Reply to comment by weredev in Ordered a few lifetime warranty socks from different brands. From left to right-Grip6,Paka,Cloudline. Hopefully they live up to the hype. They are all super soft by Walton1993
The instructions also say to turn them inside-out.
majoroutage t1_j6kk5zg wrote
Reply to Natick apparently by roadtrip-ne
This just begs the question of "How big do they think Boston actually is?"
majoroutage t1_j69uoqe wrote
Reply to comment by ConquestOfPizzaTime in Boldly Go. by icedcoffee4eva
Does he, though?
majoroutage t1_j69qqx0 wrote
Reply to comment by DMala in Boldly Go. by icedcoffee4eva
majoroutage t1_j69qnoe wrote
Reply to comment by ConquestOfPizzaTime in Boldly Go. by icedcoffee4eva
I blame Wesley. Picard knew better than to get involved with women with obnoxious kids.
majoroutage t1_j69qgf2 wrote
Reply to Boldly Go. by icedcoffee4eva
Sign: Entering Clinton
Me: dry heave noises
majoroutage t1_j69p8oc wrote
Reply to comment by BiffBiffkenson in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
Sadly, I'm in Pawtucket, where they run them every minute they are legally allowed.
majoroutage t1_j696aih wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
Oh, I agree, the more notice the better, but that's the exact opposite intent of the camera system.
majoroutage t1_j69639r wrote
Reply to comment by CammiKit in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
Yup. They would have an officer posted, and violations would be at their discretion.
majoroutage t1_j695vfq wrote
Reply to comment by BiffBiffkenson in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
Hopefully they just mean they're extremely surprised it took you this long to figure out the revenue enforcement part.
majoroutage t1_j695lrn wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
RI school zones, and thus the cameras, are allowed to be in effect all day. 7 AM to 6 PM.
majoroutage t1_j6959zo wrote
Reply to comment by BigE1263 in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
It's even worse coming from the other direction.
majoroutage t1_j6954gb wrote
Reply to comment by mykittyforprez in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
Yeah, most people are already accelerating to escape the intersection, only to hit that 25MPH zone. Ugh.
majoroutage t1_j694h7l wrote
Reply to comment by GiraffeNinja6 in Flashing Yellow School Zone Speed Signs Should be Mandatory Alongside Zone Cameras by BiffBiffkenson
And the flashing blues and reds from a stationed officer.
>The camera in front of McCoy still goes off after 5pm if I'm not mistaken.
They all do. 7 AM to 6 PM. It's such a racket.
majoroutage t1_j68w2m3 wrote
I like the fact there's a dash between IM and MAD.
majoroutage t1_j67721v wrote
Reply to comment by CHGhee in yes this is a real bill that has been introduced by Ministry_of__Truth
I'm not sure donations to family/friends (that one may be inclined to make regardless of incarceration) are meant to be within the scope of the article. It seems focused on the being encouraged to give to strangers angle.
majoroutage t1_j3k0qx7 wrote
Reply to comment by ExpatJundi in Husband of missing Cohasset woman charged with misleading police investigation – Boston News, Weather, Sports by tiny-starship
It was art fraud. White collar stuff. It also sounds like he took a plea.
majoroutage t1_j3ju02v wrote
Reply to RI needs this PSA: How to use the passing lane of a highway. Yall camp in the left lane. by sonickid101
FYI, though, Rhode Island is a "Yield to faster traffic" state. Not "Keep right except to pass."
majoroutage t1_j2p99i4 wrote
Reply to comment by Dopey-NipNips in Found at Whole Foods in Littleton, CO—Rhode Island Inspired Seafood Chowder by amatz9
Yeah but at least it's clear.
majoroutage t1_j1guf49 wrote
Reply to comment by ExpatJundi in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
DUI checkpoints are already a presumption of guilt by stopping you, despite us having rights to the contrary. I was just pointing out the irony that countries with less rights have no problem handling the situation more efficiently than we do.
majoroutage t1_j1grnh0 wrote
Reply to comment by ExpatJundi in Mass. State Police to set up sobriety checkpoint starting Thursday in Bristol County by LackingUtility
>In Australia, the police can ask anyone who is driving, is about to drive or has recently driven a car to take a breath test, and it's a criminal offense to refuse.
And it takes them far less time to do so. The cops have handheld breathalyzers. How are you today, may I see your license, please breathe into the tube. None of this bullshit trying to talk you into providing subjective evidence against yourself with field sobriety tests and whatnot.
majoroutage t1_j7rsu7x wrote
Reply to comment by peteysweetusername in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
The bar for civil asset forfeiture should be "not fucking ever."
No criminal conviction = cops can go pound sand. The burden to prove where the money came from should always be on the state. Taking people's shit because it's suspected to come from drugs when the person has not been found guilty of any related crimes to connect the dots isn't enough.