
majoroutage t1_j7rsu7x wrote

The bar for civil asset forfeiture should be "not fucking ever."

No criminal conviction = cops can go pound sand. The burden to prove where the money came from should always be on the state. Taking people's shit because it's suspected to come from drugs when the person has not been found guilty of any related crimes to connect the dots isn't enough.


majoroutage t1_j1grnh0 wrote

>In Australia, the police can ask anyone who is driving, is about to drive or has recently driven a car to take a breath test, and it's a criminal offense to refuse.

And it takes them far less time to do so. The cops have handheld breathalyzers. How are you today, may I see your license, please breathe into the tube. None of this bullshit trying to talk you into providing subjective evidence against yourself with field sobriety tests and whatnot.