
majoroutage t1_jdiv2a0 wrote

I had noticed a while back that the prices in the app were sometimes higher than the ones on the board in-store.

They have also started upcharging for more total flavor shots than the 'standard amount'.


majoroutage t1_jddv9mf wrote

One that was never put up for vote after we already voted no on keeping the pawsox. They knew it wouldn't pass. Now surprised pikachu it would cost more than we were told.

This is a bad deal. One we don't want but has at least partially been forced on us anyway, and just went south.


majoroutage t1_jddhmam wrote

No, I said using that as a driving factor to build a train station in a location that's not exactly convenient for such a purpose was stupid.

And again, if there is so much money to be made from stadium operations then there should be plenty of opportunities for private funding. When so much of it is to be left on taxpayers that's generally a sign the real risk is higher than what they're trying to sell you. Tax money is not a VC fund.



majoroutage t1_jdd79z1 wrote

Then they should have no problem raising the funds privately!

Maybe consider doing a Kickstarter?

I also can't wait to see all the tourists that are supposed to come in on the train to take a bus to downtown past downtown to this new stadium.

(For the record I'm fine with the train station. But the tourism justification was stupid. The reality is it's a commuter station. Which is okay. We needed it.)


majoroutage t1_jdb3m0q wrote

I think it's more like, we're just a little more civilized up here so we wouldn't have as much of those either way. ME, NH, and VT, are all Constitutional Carry states. Definitely not as shooting-crazy as Texas. Or the gun control capitol of Chicago, for that matter....


majoroutage t1_jda21ij wrote

TL;DR: Auth-left mod whose dayjob is narrative crafting for facebook loses his shit at anyone who doesn't agree with him. Bans people trying to discuss racial issues like helping an Indian couple find a community they will feel safe in. Also goes off on anyone who questions the relevance of continuing to post Ukraine news in this sub. Eventually just starts banning anyone who isn't lockstep with his agenda. Super meltdown mode as the exiles start to organize, lies to everyone about what's going on, recruits mods to help protect the sub from the nonexistent threat of a bigot brigade. Then ky1e comes back and saves the day by kicking them all out.


majoroutage t1_jd9jaoj wrote

Here's some help getting up to speed. Two lists of links I made. The first has reveddit links. The second is normal links, totally forgot I made the first list lol.


majoroutage t1_jd92aiz wrote

The dark arts of logistics sometimes dictate that it's cheaper and more sensible for them to fill an extra suitcase with quality products that will last than to ever buy the Walmart grade shit back home.

EDIT. And it's not just manufactured clothing either. Some of these people know how to clear out textile outlets too.


majoroutage t1_jd8oqq1 wrote

The "parking lot in the middle" is because certain types of shoppers like having direct access to the stores they want to visit (or to feel like they do). Find where you want to go, park in front of it, and walk inside. Which is fair, to a certain extent.

But then you have the developers that just go too far and completely ignore the walkability aspects that other shoppers may enjoy.

There's a happy medium in there somewhere, it's just going to take someone willing to find it.