manyamile t1_iu8nzub wrote
Reply to Good place to trick or treat on Monday by mrmonkeypbbt
Do people not trick or treat in your own neighborhood?
manyamile t1_itx9xgx wrote
Reply to comment by gracetw22 in Mortgage Lender Recommendations - FHA by GaimanitePkat
Thanks! If I recall, I’m very close to your new office. We’re not too far from 301/Atlee Road. Feel free to stop by next summer when the garden is in full swing and I’ll drown you in Hanover tomatoes.
manyamile t1_ituu8wg wrote
Reply to Mortgage Lender Recommendations - FHA by GaimanitePkat
Highly recommend Maddy Armstrong.
She helped us navigate a challenging financial situation and still managed to get us below 5% on a 30 year mortgage.
We’re moving into our new house this morning. The movers are packing us up right now -
Office # 804-305-2344
manyamile t1_itenw28 wrote
Reply to comment by flipfloptj in Fence company by flipfloptj
I’ll DM you some info but our situation is somewhat unique.
manyamile t1_itenp4p wrote
Reply to Fence company by flipfloptj
We just moved into a new house on a couple acres in r/Hanover. After getting numerous quotes, we went with Fencescapes.
Highly recommended.
manyamile t1_it9i1dy wrote
Reply to comment by ExtremeHobo in What’s the lowdown on the lakeside farmers market? by moonstonecrack
It’s small but it’s a nice market and everyone there is local. We usually grab coffee and breakfast at Ashland Coffee and Tea before shopping. Makes for a nice morning. There are only 2 more markets (this Saturday and next) before it closes for the season.
manyamile t1_it8l9en wrote
Reply to comment by ExtremeHobo in What’s the lowdown on the lakeside farmers market? by moonstonecrack
That’s one of the reasons we continue to support the r/AshlandVA Farmers Market. Everything sold there is grown within a fairly small radius. Reselling produce is not allowed.
manyamile t1_it5cmy8 wrote
Reply to comment by gregginrva in Grace between Harrison and Belvidere by AHippieDude
The Biograph was the place to be. The Rocky Horror Show would get out of hand sometimes…in the best of ways.
manyamile t1_it5cg5l wrote
Reply to comment by justbecauseiluvthis in Grace between Harrison and Belvidere by AHippieDude
So many hours spent in there wishing I had more money.
manyamile t1_it4a0ev wrote
Reply to Grace between Harrison and Belvidere by AHippieDude
Mmm. The smell of urine in the doorways. The nostalgia hits hard.
manyamile t1_isxhi4g wrote
Reply to comment by Moondinos in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
For some of us, it’s not a choice. I wake up naturally around 4AM every morning and have been that way since high school. Even if I go to bed late, my brain just kicks into high gear in the early morning.
manyamile t1_isxgf0p wrote
Reply to comment by Horror-Fisherman-575 in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
“The spaces in between leave room for you and I to grow.”
- Entres Nous, Permanent Waves, 1980, Rush
manyamile t1_isocafs wrote
Reply to Squirrels in the Attic by SlowInvestor
Alligators and owls both eat squirrel. I suggest you fill your attic with both.
manyamile t1_isja1m7 wrote
Reply to comment by puzzledsushi in The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
I’m working on removing some tree of heaven and some Chinese privet from the rear of my property. It’s so satisfying to rip them out. Once I’m sure it’s gone, I’m going to plant some natives in the understory.
manyamile t1_isf2pk8 wrote
Reply to The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
We close on our new house in 5 days. I’m going to procrastinate on packing today.
Edit: 3 hours later, after packing one box of baking supplies, my wife asked if I could make several batches of cookies for an upcoming event. THIS IS WHY I PROCRASTINATE!
manyamile t1_isf2j94 wrote
Reply to comment by puzzledsushi in The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
> invasive plant removal
You’re a good person.
manyamile t1_isf2c19 wrote
Reply to comment by thephartmacist in The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
She and google maps are both wrong.
manyamile t1_is5zj0i wrote
Reply to comment by LIRichmond1 in BIPOC medical providers? by skunkylotus
I'll second the recommendation for Vantre. Great guy, great surgeon. My wife has been through hell with her foot over the years and has had numerous surgeries.
Vantre was the only one to correctly identify the actual problem and, more importantly, solve it.
manyamile t1_iu8oy12 wrote
Reply to comment by mrmonkeypbbt in Good place to trick or treat on Monday by mrmonkeypbbt
It's a legitimate question, but thanks for the downvote. I used to live in an apartment complex in western Henrico. There were tons of kids trick-or-treating on Halloween and it was a great opportunity to meet neighbors.