I returned at 30, so I feel your pain! (40s now). I
Found it helpful to read it out loud and immediately make it into an outline that told the story of the text-my major was science, so I would treat organic chem mechanisms like they were cartoons I had to memorize. I made it work for me, in a way that made sense to only me haha.
marbel t1_ja9zgq2 wrote
Reply to Help: 40yr old Returning to School Struggles with Academic Texts Despite Love for Reading by lending_ear
I returned at 30, so I feel your pain! (40s now). I Found it helpful to read it out loud and immediately make it into an outline that told the story of the text-my major was science, so I would treat organic chem mechanisms like they were cartoons I had to memorize. I made it work for me, in a way that made sense to only me haha.