marioquartz t1_jegrgj1 wrote
Reply to comment by Bending_toast in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
If you dont cut it, and you left in a normal temperature can last 90 days. Once you cut it the outer layer no more than 15 days.
marioquartz t1_jegqyj4 wrote
Reply to comment by SocksOnHands in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
Normal temperature. The brown part is literally fat. You cut the fat and you use it as a cover. Its cut with a especial knife in thin layers. If you dont know how use that knife is very dangerous. For people that dont know or dont want visit a surgeon exists the option of pre-cut envelopes. That are conserved in a fridge.
marioquartz t1_jeezvtu wrote
Reply to comment by OlTommyBombadil in Geoff Keighley is brutal lol by x2FrostFire
For a lot of people there are ZERO diference in both options. They mayority of people watch the events by streaming. And that was previous to the pandemic. I dont see any diference to how was 10? years ago.
marioquartz t1_jeazsbz wrote
Reply to comment by visitorzeta in How are you liking Season 3 of The Mandalorian so far? by esran7
Maybe my version of the episodes is a better version, because in mine I dont see any problem with depth or image.
marioquartz t1_jdwkdx6 wrote
Reply to comment by lizufyr in Compare Public Transport Network Connectivity In 10 European Countries [OC] by TravelTime_LKB
Canton with less meters above sea have its capital have an elevation of 373m
Canton with more meters above sea have its capital have an elevation of 512m
City with higher elevation in the peninsula: Avila with 1131m
And a lot of cities in the coast.
The diference in elevation is higher in Spain. The same train can (theorically) travel from Avila to the north coast.
marioquartz t1_jd3nj7c wrote
To me its strange, in my country one hundred years ago (more or less) the goverment make the decission that each town must had a different name. No one could have the same name. In the present they are very few cases.
marioquartz t1_ja8q4kt wrote
Reply to comment by Harv7 in TIL a year after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the English sent their own Armada to Spain, leading to similar losses of ships and men, and an ignominious English defeat by malektewaus
In others countries in one year they killed what Inquisition killed in 300 years. But the evil is the Spanish Inquisition...
marioquartz t1_ja8pp1d wrote
Reply to comment by HobgoblinKhanate1 in TIL a year after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the English sent their own Armada to Spain, leading to similar losses of ships and men, and an ignominious English defeat by malektewaus
>What makes you think the Irish potato famine might not been known about at all?
Im from Spain. Is not learned. Im only watch about it in Internet. And in very few times.
marioquartz t1_ja764cz wrote
Reply to comment by No-Owl9201 in TIL a year after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the English sent their own Armada to Spain, leading to similar losses of ships and men, and an ignominious English defeat by malektewaus
"But only if the victors are British".
There are a lot of victories against the British, but always are ignored.
marioquartz t1_j5zyjsu wrote
Reply to Why is Jack Ryan S3 so terrible? by khroshan
> How in the world did they speedboat from the middle of the Black Sea all the way to the outskirts of Athens?
They stop in the North of Greece. And then they travel in car to Athens.
And other details are you dont paying attention.
marioquartz t1_j5suunn wrote
Reply to comment by Familiar_Pea_9345 in Ted Sarandos says that Netflix has “never canceled a successful show” by avery5712
He is not liar. He have more information than you. If you like a show dont mean that is succesful.
marioquartz t1_j5suost wrote
Reply to comment by Lowgarr in Ted Sarandos says that Netflix has “never canceled a successful show” by avery5712
The list of "series that I like" is not the list of "succesful series".
marioquartz t1_j5e3h6h wrote
Reply to comment by gszr89 in NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a Anime Delays Episodes 4 & Beyond Due to COVID-19 by DemiFiendRSA
Is both. They make 2 or 3 episodes in advance at the same time. They start months ahead. But they end the last one one month / weeks ahead of the end of the series.
marioquartz t1_j1ywutd wrote
Reply to comment by TomSwirly in The world of prosciutto ( Parma, Italy) by elsakroess
ME? DENIER? You need read more and a better comphension.
Im agains Nuclear Plants. I think that "activist" are stupid. I think that we need do more against Climate Change. And I support real Green Energies, Energies that dont need generate nuclear shit.
marioquartz t1_j1yfvce wrote
Reply to comment by Robobvious in The world of prosciutto ( Parma, Italy) by elsakroess
Before being in that room they are buried in salt. Is dry meat.
marioquartz t1_j1yfrat wrote
Reply to comment by Snozzberry123 in The world of prosciutto ( Parma, Italy) by elsakroess
ZERO living things was killed there. That room is only storage.
marioquartz t1_ixsg1te wrote
Reply to comment by Dumpster_Buddy in Germany approves welfare reform, extends nuclear power | Germany's upper house of parliament approved measures aimed at helping people hit hard by high energy prices and the high cost of living. The country's nuclear power extension will also take effect immediately. by misana123
You are not presenting nothing. You are a troll.
marioquartz t1_ixscca8 wrote
Reply to comment by Dumpster_Buddy in Germany approves welfare reform, extends nuclear power | Germany's upper house of parliament approved measures aimed at helping people hit hard by high energy prices and the high cost of living. The country's nuclear power extension will also take effect immediately. by misana123
Reality disagress. Actual present reactors in this present year in France.
marioquartz t1_ixsc19o wrote
Reply to comment by Dumpster_Buddy in Germany approves welfare reform, extends nuclear power | Germany's upper house of parliament approved measures aimed at helping people hit hard by high energy prices and the high cost of living. The country's nuclear power extension will also take effect immediately. by misana123
Well do you have demostrated that YOU have no looked about it. Search about French Nuclear Plants and rivers. Your lack of knowledge dont mean nothing.
YOU have dedicated zero seconds. You need do more.
marioquartz t1_ixsagmt wrote
Reply to comment by Archerfenris in Germany approves welfare reform, extends nuclear power | Germany's upper house of parliament approved measures aimed at helping people hit hard by high energy prices and the high cost of living. The country's nuclear power extension will also take effect immediately. by misana123
From Nuclear plants in France. Part of the water is returned to rivers. And even if you dont return it, there are other actual problem the input of water is too warn.
marioquartz t1_ixsa76x wrote
Reply to comment by Dumpster_Buddy in Germany approves welfare reform, extends nuclear power | Germany's upper house of parliament approved measures aimed at helping people hit hard by high energy prices and the high cost of living. The country's nuclear power extension will also take effect immediately. by misana123
Im referencing actual facts about actual nuclear centrals in France.
marioquartz t1_ixrm9py wrote
Reply to Germany approves welfare reform, extends nuclear power | Germany's upper house of parliament approved measures aimed at helping people hit hard by high energy prices and the high cost of living. The country's nuclear power extension will also take effect immediately. by misana123
Nuclears that will be absurly expensive, and will be stoped because the water of rivers will be hot or the exited water will be too hot for allow rifer life. So... good news /s
marioquartz t1_is72hej wrote
Reply to Police Killings per Capita v Homicide Rate per Capita for Select OECD Countries [OC] by dr5c
USA have 10x the crime rate of my country.
The most safe county of USA is more dangerous thant the most dangerous of my country.
marioquartz t1_jegs3hy wrote
Reply to comment by Savageparrot81 in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
The number in black with yellow background is the final price with taxes and in euros. So these are between 115 and 159 euros. The full leg. So from 125 to 173 dollars.
They are not cheap, but with one leg you can have ham for a family eating daily for one week.